The Altai Territory is popular with tourists of all ages. Vacationers from Russia and other countries come here. The region is full of places that attract admirers of beautiful nature and lovers of outdoor activities. Interesting and picturesque areas can be seen by everyone - it is enough just to come to the Altai Territory. Children's rest here is interesting and varied.
How can you relax in the Altai Territory
The guys come to health centers, sanatoriums, theme camps and tourist centers. Altai is famous for its clean water bodies and forests. Many tourists tend to spend their holidays in the Altai mountains, next to the freshwater lake Aya. This is a warm lake - in summer, the water temperature in it reaches +20 degrees. Children vacationing in camps near the lake enjoy swimming in it. There is an excellent beach on the shore of the lake. Children's camps in the Altai Territory are over 1200 health-improving summer institutions. Among them there are sanatorium-type camps where medical procedures are carried out.
Every year, health campaigns are held in the region, during which more than 120 thousand children receive quality rest. A shift in a regular camp lasts 21 days, in a sanatorium - 24 days, and in a day camp - 18 days.
When organizing summer recreation for children, the administration of the Altai Territory sets itself important tasks:
- strengthening and preserving the material and technical base of children's camps;
- introduction of innovations;
- stimulation of teachers working in camps, etc.
Summer vacations in the Altai camp are a lot of positive impressions, interesting events, communication with peers, an opportunity to show their abilities. Each health camp works according to its own program. The main goals of teachers: moral, environmental, aesthetic, patriotic education of children. As part of the camp programs, various events are held dedicated to significant dates.
The best camps of the Altai Territory
There are many opportunities for recreation of children in the region. The city of Belokurikha is considered a healing place. He became famous as one of the best resorts in the world. People from different countries come here to improve their health. The air of Belokurikha surpasses the air of Davos in Switzerland in many respects. There are many sanatoriums in this resort. Considering vouchers to children's camps in the Altai Territory, parents give preference to institutions located near Belokurikha. No less popular are the camps that are located in a special ecological zone, designated "Turquoise Katun". Vacationers there are provided with a whole range of services in the field of outdoor activities.