Description of the attraction
On December 2, 1986, the opening of the museum-apartment of Yuri Pavlovich Spegalsky (1909-1969) took place in Pskov. The museum is an integral part of the State United Historical, Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve of the city of Pskov.
Yu. P. Spegalsky is an outstanding researcher of Russian medieval architecture, architect-restorer, artist. He made a huge contribution to the history of the development of Russian culture and science. In the difficult first years after the war, he managed to preserve the wonderful image of the historical part of the city, having invented in 1945-1947 a plan for protected zones (architectural reserves), with special areas for building and landscaping. In those years, his project contributed to the solution of the important task of the organic inclusion of historical buildings in the complex of modern Pskov.
In 1968-1969, Spegalsky created a long-term plan for the restoration and use of Pskov architectural monuments, which was the main document for the work on the reconstruction of city monuments. Yuri Pavlovich identified, attributed and described in detail 215 civil buildings made of stone (materials - in the State Archives of the Pskov region and in the restoration workshop of the city).
Museum expositions are located in 4 rooms, the working room and the storage of museum funds occupy the fifth room. In the first room - the entrance hall - there is an exposition that acquaints visitors with the first years of the life and work of the scientist and artist. Here are documents, photographs and drawings of the young Yu. P. Spegalsky (1920s), created in color (gouache): "Group of masons", "Elderly mason", "Young mason" and others. In addition, here you can see the decorative panel "Meeting of Pskov masons and warriors at the walls of of the city ". The scientific articles and books presented in the exposition (1948-1968) indicate that, even being far from Pskov, Spegalsky lived and worked for him. Among the works of the scientist, one can single out the monograph" Pskov stone residential buildings of the 17th century " (1963), the books "Pskov" and "Stone architecture of Pskov" (1976), etc. There is also a sculptural portrait of Spegalsky made by Ya. M. Bannikov.
The expositions of the second room show the visual scientific materials of Spegalsky from 1945-1947. Here you can see fragments from his project for the planning of the Pskov architectural reserves and separate zones from the project of comprehensive restoration activities of architectural monuments. So, for example, here is a plan for the reconstruction of the architectural monument "House of Pechenko" in the layout
(the creator of the layout is R. A. Dushnik). Of undoubted interest is the Pskov tiled stove, recreated by the scientist.
In the third room of the museum there is Spegalsky's office. Visitors can get acquainted with the living conditions in which Yuri Pavlovich lived and worked. Collections of antiques are presented here. For example, a work table (18th century) with inlays on the top and base, a candlestick and a chest (17th century) on it. In addition, there is an architect's library, a collection of items consisting of Dymkovo toys, Pskov whistles, and so on, and an exhibition of colored patterns and sketches of ceramic items.
In the fourth room (living room) there are expositions of objects of decorative and applied art, which were created by Spegalsky in different years in Leningrad. Here - and graphics, and painting, and plastic. Yuri Pavlovich worked in a different manner. His talent was revealed in the creation of decorative and applied objects made in wood, ceramics, metal, he was a masterful master of a craftsman's tool and an artist's brush.
The creative heritage of Yuri Pavlovich Spegalsky is the heritage of an artist and a scientist, unique in its organic connection with the folk origins of art and culture.