- Districts of Copenhagen
- A journey through the palace complexes
- Copenhagen symbols
A visit to the capital of Denmark leaves ambivalent feelings for many tourists. On the one hand, there are no problems with what to visit in Copenhagen, since the city has many attractions, interesting architectural structures, large and small sculptural forms. On the other hand, there is a quiet, calm atmosphere, as if it were not the capital at all, but one of the old provincial towns.
Many tourists know that Copenhagen has taken on the mission to connect the mainland countries of Europe with the states located on the Scandinavian Peninsula. Therefore, if you want more impressions and vivid emotions, you can almost instantly find yourself in another country and in another dimension.
Districts of Copenhagen
Administratively, the Danish capital consists of several districts; it is clear that the most interesting are those located in the historical or cultural center of the city. The main tourist routes run in the following areas of Copenhagen:
- Old Copenhagen, built during the Middle Ages;
- Christianshavn, astonishing with an intricate necklace of canals;
- Christiania, called the Free City;
- Friederiksberg, which attracts attention with the castle complex of the same name.
Another area, Osterbro, is known to all admirers of the talent of the great Danish storyteller Hans-Christian Andersen, as here is the so-called "House of the Little Mermaid", piers where luxury yachts and huge cruise ships dock, the Kastellet fortress.
Of course, other parts of the Danish capital have their own monuments and attractions. Also in Copenhagen you can find shopping and entertainment complexes, shops and boutiques, trendy cafes and restaurants, for a certain category of tourists these establishments are also of great interest, and this is exactly what you can visit in Copenhagen on your own.
A journey through the palace complexes
Many architectural masterpieces of the past have been preserved in the capital, including numerous palace complexes. Many people call Amalienborg the visiting card of the city; it is one of the most beautiful palaces that preserves its mission. The royal family lives in it today: the main representative of the dynasty is Queen Margrethe and her relatives.
The palace complex consists of separate buildings, they are located to each other by facades, so inside it turns out to be a very beautiful and cozy square, a favorite gathering place for citizens and guests of Copenhagen. It is known that the first palace erected on this site burned down almost completely during a terrible fire in 1689. Later, it was decided to restore the complex of palace buildings, and the construction had to be completed by the 300th anniversary of the coronation of Christian I, who is the ancestor of the royal family. Representatives of this royal family continue to rule Denmark today.
In addition to visiting the four main buildings that make up the complex, the ceremony of changing the royal guard is of interest to tourists. Moreover, locals and guests can guess that the queen is present in the palace, since the state flag is hung over it, and the ceremony itself is more magnificent, solemn and takes more time.
Copenhagen symbols
Visitors to the capital of Denmark, having visited the Amalienborg palace complex, rush to the next historical and architectural landmark - the Town Hall. It is included in the list of the tallest buildings in Copenhagen, its present appearance has been preserved since 1905. A sightseeing tour of the City Hall will acquaint you with its internal structure and will allow you to climb the tower, the height of which exceeds one hundred meters. Importantly, there is no elevator in this building, so the journey will be quite long and difficult, but the panoramic views from the top will fully pay for the "suffering" of tourists. Also inside you can see the Jens Olsen watch, which was launched in 1955 and is included in the list of the most accurate chronometers on the planet.
"Andersen's World" - this is the name given to the museum, created in honor of the great storyteller of all times and peoples. It was created in such a way that neither child nor adult would be bored. In the gallery of the museum you can get acquainted with the biography of Hans Christian (or Hans Christian) Andersen, immerse yourself in the world of three-dimensional animation, representing his main characters. It is important that the house retains an amazing atmosphere, and even from the times when the writer lived and worked here.
This museum is interactive, there are three-dimensional figures in the exposition, various technical devices help to immerse oneself in one or another fairy tale. Many of the visitors love to be photographed with their favorite characters or Andersen himself, whose wax figure is also on display.