Africa both attracts tourists and scares them. After all, this continent, despite the presence of several more developed countries, is currently a collection of the most backward and poorest states. And the roads in Africa are an indicator of the different levels of countries on this continent, as well as a symbol of the fragmentation of local states.
Trans-African highways
Since much of Africa is desert, poorly habitable, settlements are extremely unevenly distributed here. Accordingly, the road network is not uniformly laid. There are several large and fairly successful states where the density of roads is higher than in other territories. These countries include: South African Republic, the most developed state on this continent; Arab countries in the north, such as Algeria, Egypt or Tunisia. There are a lot of roads here, they are kept in fair condition. First of all, this applies to South Africa, which is all dotted with highways.
African countries are trying to improve transport links among themselves, primarily to ensure the delivery of goods. A number of trans-African highways have been built, which connect several neighboring countries. Such, for example, is the Trans-Saharan highway, passing from Egypt to Senegal. However, a single system that would make travel across the continent convenient and safe has not yet been created.
Death Roads in Africa
In most states, especially in the central part, passages are real roads of death. There are often no paved roads here, and the road can only be found along the track left by previous travelers. Even paved roads are usually narrow and have deep and steep shoulders, where the remains of vehicles that have driven off can often be seen.
Due to the turbulent situation in many states, as well as the general poverty of the population, movement in many countries is simply dangerous. Here they can easily rob - after numerous revolutions and overthrow of governments, military and looters meet on the roads. In addition, even in calm countries, local drivers have a habit of driving while intoxicated, which leads to quite understandable consequences.
More prosperous countries
North Africa, where the Arab countries are located, is more welcoming to tourists, because the well-being of the economy largely depends on them. However, even here you should not leave unaccompanied outside large settlements.
In the cities of motorists, another danger awaits. Here on the roads real chaos reigns, no one observes the rules. It is very difficult to navigate in such a situation, so accidents are not uncommon. A newbie driving in cities with a large population should be extremely careful.
But in the very south, in South Africa, on the contrary, the drivers are extremely polite and try, to the best of their ability, not to interfere with each other. And the quality of the roads here is the best in all of Africa.
Due to the huge number of countries located on the territory of the African continent, the roads here are also diverse, both in quality and in the rules of behavior on them. But in any case, independent travel by car is fraught with great risk here.