Flea markets in Simferopol

Flea markets in Simferopol
Flea markets in Simferopol
photo: Flea markets of Simferopol
photo: Flea markets of Simferopol

Those who decide to visit the flea markets of Simferopol will be able to purchase their favorite items from a huge assortment of all kinds of goods (local flea markets sell both antiques, vintage jewelry and valuable coins, as well as Soviet meat grinders and handicrafts).

Flea market in the Central Market area

Travelers who come to this flea market, which is not open only on Mondays, can get used shoes and clothes, vintage buttons, weapons (hunting, pneumatic, daggers), sets of surgical instruments (scalpels, clamps, forceps, scissors, tweezers, etc.), musical tools, including harmonicas, various uniforms, military paraphernalia of the times of the war, household appliances, dishes, books (there are both artistic specimens and scientific literature), “ancient” photo and video cameras, used telephones, auto parts, bicycles, turntables and vinyl records, fishing rods, medals, orders, collectible coins, stamps and postcards, irons, samovars, bronze busts and figurines.

Flea market near the Palace of Culture of Trade Unions

Here they sell mainly old books and a variety of coins (important for collectors and numismatists). In addition, this flea market sells gramophone records, author's photographs of Soviet cinema and pop stars of the 70s and 80s, antique bronze scales and various finds found in the attic.

The place of trade is the site at the intersection of Trolleybusnaya and Kievskaya streets (trolleybus No. 6, route taxis No. 64, 95, 27 and 65 go here); the flea market is open on Saturdays and Sundays

Antique shops


Those who do not want to rummage in the ruins of flea markets should be advised to look into antique stores, among which the following stand out:

  • Antiques (address: Rosa Luxemburg Street, 18; open on weekdays from 9 am to 6 pm): they sell icons, books, carpets, watches, china and other antiques and collectibles.
  • "Exclusive Things" (address: Pushkin Street, 36; open daily from 9 am to 5 pm): here you can get paintings, watches, china, dishes, coins and other antiques.
  • shop-salon "Collector" (address: Kurchatova street, 3; can be visited from 09:00 to 17:00): here you can buy furniture, works of graphics, paintings and arts and crafts.

Shopping in Simferopol

For shopaholics, the Frunze shopping street is of interest: here you will come across shops selling various goods - from Crimean souvenirs made of wood, stone or shells to fashionable clothes.

It is recommended to take several bottles of wine and cognac from Simferopol (pay attention to the Massandra brand store, which has a tasting room), tea collections (it is recommended to buy in the city's tea shops), fig jam, Crimean spices, Shampoo soap, juniper crafts and other handcrafted woods from local craftsmen.
