Many got acquainted with this city thanks to Astrid Lindgren's fairy tale about the funny Carlson, who loved to walk on the roofs of ancient buildings. But the history of Stockholm began long before the appearance of this literary hero. In the ancient sagas, there are references to a settlement under the name Agnafit, which was named after King Agne. Since the 13th century, Stockholm has occupied an important economic position in the life of the state.
From fishermen village to shopping center
Most likely, the history of Stockholm should start from a small fishing village. In 1187, the village began to turn into a fortified point, and buildings were erected not only on the mainland, but also on the islands. Since 1252, the settlement begins to be referred to as a city, and Jarl Birger is called its founder.
The rapid development of the city was facilitated by a convenient geographical position, access to the sea, the possibility of trade, which is becoming dominant in the economy of Stockholm. The neighbors understood this very quickly, the German population made up the majority in the XIV-XV centuries. The Swedes were able to return key positions in power structures only after 1471.
Struggle for independence and freedom
The end of the 15th century was marked by the largest anti-Danish uprising led by Sten Sture, who became a national hero. In 1520, the instigators were executed, and other participants in the uprising were expected to be brutally punished - this is one of the blackest pages in the book of the city's life.
The further history of Stockholm is briefly presented as follows: XVII century - rapid growth, ahead of other cities, since 1634 - the status of the capital of the Kingdom of Sweden; XVIII century - the plague epidemic, which significantly reduced the population of the city, the war with Russia, which weakened the country's economy.
The next 19th century was also ambiguous for Stockholm: in the first half the city was in decline, its role in the European economy was declining; the second half of the same century is characterized by economic growth, the emergence of new industries, and the growth of trade relations.
The role of Stockholm as a center of world science is growing, and this is also associated with the establishment of the Nobel Committee in the capital. Since 1901, the awarding ceremonies of laureates, the presentation of the Nobel Prizes have been held. In 1912, another important event for the capital of Sweden takes place - the Summer Olympic Games. Today Stockholm is a beautiful city, a large industrial, financial and IT center.