Ethiopia waterfalls

Ethiopia waterfalls
Ethiopia waterfalls
photo: Waterfalls of Ethiopia
photo: Waterfalls of Ethiopia

People go to Ethiopia to admire the underground churches carved into the rocks, buy a wicker basket with a peaked lid, look into the National Museum to see the ancient ancestor of a rational person, more than 3 million years old, visit ethno-villages visiting authentic primitive tribes. And despite the fact that this African state has no access to the sea, tourists here can still pamper themselves with a visit to water bodies: Lake Tana and the waterfalls of Ethiopia are at their service.

Blue Nile Falls

Another name for this cascading waterfall is Tis-Ysat (“steaming water”): it consists of a large (above) and several smaller (below) cascades (width - 100-400 m, height - 37-45 m; maximum indicators are reached in rain season). Earlier, before 1960, Tis-Ysat was more powerful than today (part of its water goes to the needs of 2 hydroelectric power plants). A little below the waterfall, tourists can see the stone bridge (the oldest in Ethiopia), which was built in 1626.


Among tourists, this waterfall, whose free fall height is 500 m, is little known (although it replenishes the list of the 100 most impressive waterfalls on the planet) and is rather difficult to access, therefore it is hardly visited (Jinba falls into an abyss, the depth of which is 800 m). But if you wish, you can change this state of affairs and go in search of it - it will be possible for those who agree to go on a hike, involving the conquest of the mountain peak Geech, with an altitude of more than 3500 m.

From the outside, it may seem that Jinba is a cascading waterfall: this illusion is explained by the fact that, falling off the rocks, its stream in the middle meets the rocky ledges, scattering in different directions in the form of splashes. If you are one of those who will go all the way and decide to go down to the base of Jinba (this section of the path is an extreme trip), you should not be a beginner in mountaineering, and have special climbing equipment with you.

Waterfalls in Awash National Park

Visiting the Avash Park (its territory is covered with grass savannah and acacia groves), guests of Ethiopia can not only admire the waterfalls formed by the Avash River, but also find here hot springs, which are surrounded by palm oases, as well as meet different species of birds and animals, in particular, with antelopes (kudu, Somali gazelle, dikdiki).
