Health tours to China

Health tours to China
Health tours to China
photo: Health tours to China
photo: Health tours to China

Health tours to China are an actual tourist destination, despite the long journey that those who wish to overcome in order to find themselves in the experienced hands of local healers.

Features of a wellness holiday in China

Chinese clinics are equipped with modern equipment and highly qualified doctors. Despite this, alternative medicine is actively used here, which has existed for more than one century, in the form of acupuncture, massage, breathing practices, herbal medicine, gymnastic techniques.

The goal of treatment in China is not to combat the signs of the disease, but to identify the causes of the painful condition and eliminate them, which is based on the use of a diagnostic complex of 4 parts: the auditory one implies listening to the patient's voice, the tactile one - the implementation of pulse diagnostics and palpation of the body, visual - examination of the skin condition, and oral - conducting a conversation, allowing the doctor to find out how the patient eats, what lifestyle he leads, and to learn about other important aspects.

Those who go on medical tours are offered to visit picturesque places, which also contributes to the restoration of their health. Thus, travelers are accommodated in comfortable accommodation facilities, they are provided with three meals a day, a treatment and recreation program is developed, within the framework of which they are pampered with short trips to the sights.

Popular health resorts in China

  • Udalyanchi: Mayfanshi (a stone of longevity and health) and water from cold mineral springs (it helps those suffering from skin, vascular and heart diseases) are used in the treatment. In the sanatorium “Rabochiy” (apart from healing waters such a method of treatment as needle knife is popular), guests are offered to spend time on the exercise site, in the outdoor pool, in the park of deer and cranes, in the forest treatment park, in the tourmaline sauna.
  • Dalian: this health resort delights tourists with white-sandy beaches, excellent climate, clean sea water, thermal springs. Local sanatoriums have a developed infrastructure where they treat arthrosis, osteochondrosis, heart disease, bronchial asthma, etc. In Dalian, it is worth paying attention to the Primorsky Military Hospital medical centers (here they treat people with problems with the musculoskeletal system, and also offer them to undergo rehabilitation after injuries) and the Golden Stone Coast (thanks to the nearby thermal mineral springs and mud, these components are used for a variety of procedures).
  • Anshan: the resort is famous for the national park and sanatorium "Tangganzi" (people come here for healing from cerebral palsy, rheumatism, paralysis and other diseases), the treatment in which is based on an integrated approach (mineral springs are actively used, the water in which reaches a temperature of + 72˚C, and hot wet mud - temperature + 45˚C).
