The capital of Austria is able to conquer the hearts of travelers with elegant music, waltzes, palaces, castles, parks, schnitzel, wine and pastries.
St. Stephen's Cathedral
The main Viennese symbol allows visitors to admire various relics - crucifixes, stained-glass windows, images of saints and church utensils, visit the catacombs containing the remains of Frederick III, Rudolf IV, members of the Habsburg dynasty, as well as climb the South (136-meter height is a staircase from 343 steps) and the North Tower (famous for the Pummerin dome, weighing 21 tons; an elevator delivers those who wish to 68 meters) in order to admire the Viennese beauties from a different angle. It is worth noting that the cathedral is active - those who wish come here for divine services, which are held in honor of major religious holidays.
Karlskirche Church
This church (style - Viennese Baroque) is famous for the side and main altars (they were painted by famous artists of the 18th century), unique frescoes and paintings. The doors of the Karlskirche are open to tourists every day, and if they wish, they can climb to a 72-meter height to the platform for viewing local beauties from a height (a ticket will cost 10 euros).
Palace complex Belvedere
In the Lower Belvedere, you will be able to visit the Golden Office, the Hall of Mirrors, the prince's bedroom, the greenhouse, where at least 4,000 plants grow and see frescoes, statues, stucco bas-reliefs, and in the Upper Belvedere you can visit an art gallery with the best works of the 19-20 centuries. In addition, the three-level garden deserves attention. Tip: you should come here in December to visit the Christmas market, where you can buy not only handmade souvenirs, but also taste traditional mulled wine
Danube Tower
The popularity of the building is explained by the presence of a cafe (height - 50 m), a restaurant (height - 170 m) and an observation deck (from a height of 150 meters you will be able to admire the panorama of Viennese beauties; you can climb here by an elevator or a staircase with more than 750 steps, which is most often used for races). And fans of bungee jumping and thrills in the summer months will be able to jump from a height of 150 m.
This Ferris wheel in the Prater Park is a symbol of Vienna and allows numerous guests to enjoy a pretty city skyline from 65 meters in height. If you decide to take photos of what you saw, you should open the window of the glazed trailer. If your goal is to learn the history of Vienna and Austria, then you should take a ride in one of 8 booths equipped with video and audio installations.