Asia is a huge region with unique nature, history and culture of the peoples inhabiting it. And the rivers of Asia played an important role in this.
Yangtze river
If we talk about Asian rivers, then the Yangtze is the first one that deserves attention. The total length of the river is 6300 kilometers. So, at its source (Tibetan Plateau), the river has a typical mountainous character. It calms down only in its lower course, slowly carrying its waters across the territory of the Great China Plain. The largest tributaries of the Yangtze include: Yalongjiang; Han Shui; Jialingjiang; Minjiang.
The waters of both the Yangtze and its tributaries are rich in fish. Here you can catch: carp; silver carp. The Yangtze almost never freezes. And only in the most severe winters it is briefly frozen in ice, but only in those places where the current is the most calm.
Yenisei river
The Yenisei is the largest river on the planet, second only in length to such giants as: the Amazon; Yangtze; Nile; Misisippi. The banks of the Yenisei are a great place to sit with a fishing rod. At the same time, the waters of the river are really the place where you can catch a truly trophy specimen.
The upper reaches of the Yenisei are a typical mountain river and only in its middle course it becomes calmer. Here you can catch: pike; perch; crucian carp; sorog; grayling; taimen; lenka. In the Krasnoyarsk reservoir formed by the Yenisei (despite the cold water) carp and carp are found. Here you can also "hunt" for carp, bream and sorogs. Rich in fish and a tributary of the river.
It is not always possible to get to the bank of the river, because in some places the Yenisei is a truly dangerous river. That is why the main fishing tactic is boat rafting. Winter fishing is also good here. During this period of the year they go well: burbot; soroga; grayling; perch; bream; Pike.
Mekong river
The Mekong is one of the largest rivers in Asia, with a total length of about 4500 kilometers. The river bed passes through the territory of four countries: Vietnam; Cambodia; Laos; China.
The river is the largest freshwater source of fish. But especially many fishing spots can be found in Vietnam. Fishermen live in special boat houses or "junks". Since there is an incredible amount of fish in the Mekong, the Vietnamese have found other uses for it. In particular, diesel fuel is produced here from catfish carcasses.
The trophy here is considered not large, but rare fish. An especially valuable trophy is considered to be the shell-type pike, which every angler hopes to catch.