Belgium is entangled with a dense railway network. The main railway junction of the country is Brussels. From there, you can get to anywhere in the state in a couple of hours. The Belgian Railway is considered a transport interchange in Europe. Trains are the most convenient transport for moving around Belgium and neighboring countries such as the Netherlands, France, Germany, etc.
Belgium trains are available to the public. The cost of tickets is low, and many passengers receive discounts on travel. Many of the trains in use are fast and are categorized as IR and IC. There are also regional trains running around the country with many stops.
Features of railway communication
Train timetables in Belgium can be viewed on the Belgian Railways website https://www.belgianrail.be. Railway transport is very popular in the country. Belgian trains are ranked among the fastest in Europe. Each village in Belgium has a railway station. The total length of railway lines is approximately 34.2 thousand km. You can go around the entire territory in 3 hours. Internal trains are subdivided into the following types: electric trains; interregional IR; intercity IC.
There are three stations in Brussels at once: North, Central and South. Railroad trains pass through all these stations. You can board the desired train at any of the stations. The train schedule in Belgium is posted at each station. It lists the departure time, train type, stops and other details.
Buying a train ticket
Train tickets in Belgium can be purchased before departure. Many passengers do not purchase tickets in advance. Before leaving, you can check the train schedule. It is monotonous so passengers do not have to worry about changes. Trains leave every hour from every major station. To find out the schedule, take a look at the English version of the resource
People who travel regularly prefer to save on travel costs. This is very easy to do if you use a Weekend ticket or a weekend ticket. With these special tickets, train costs can be cut in half.
To purchase a train ticket before boarding, you should contact the ticket office at the station. Many stations have ticket vending machines with self-explanatory menus. Tickets can be purchased at any station as well as on the train. The destination and date are indicated on the ticket, so it is not tied to a specific train.