Resorts of Barbados

Resorts of Barbados
Resorts of Barbados
photo: Resorts of Barbados
photo: Resorts of Barbados

The small island of Barbados, lost in the vast expanses of the Atlantic, will not even require a visa from a Russian traveler entering for a month, and therefore a necessary and sufficient condition for relaxing on its magical beaches will be only a plane ticket and a great desire to see the former overseas possessions of Great Britain. Colonial style is present here not only in buildings, but also in pleasant English traditions. In the resorts of Barbados, guests feel comfortable and convenient, as in the good old Foggy Albion.

For or Against?

In addition to a long flight, rest in the resorts of Barbados will not deliver other inconveniences. For example, hotels and guest houses here are so different that both a millionaire and a group of students on vacation will be able to choose a worthy option for themselves. Luxurious villas and simple apartments can be rented here for any period and right on the ocean.

There are not many dangers waiting for a tourist on the island. Subject to basic safety rules, nothing bad happens to the guests of Barbados resorts. It is important to watch out for flags on the beaches, warning of not very pleasant swimming conditions, and not swim far in unfamiliar places. It is advisable to use repellents from mosquitoes, and from too active sun - a cream with a high protection factor.

Four shores and a thousand options

Each coast and resort of Barbados has its own unique characteristics, thanks to which a vacation on the Caribbean island is enjoyed by people with a wide variety of requirements, preferences and claims:

  • In the west, the resorts of Barbados are washed by the waters of the Caribbean Sea - warm and relatively calm. The sand on the local beaches is of a beautiful golden color, and the infrastructure is especially fine-tuned for the needs and demands of discerning guests. A large number of restaurants and nightclubs make the west of Barbados the most party-going coastline.
  • In the south of the island, the waters of the Caribbean Sea meet with the ocean, and therefore surfers have chosen hotels in this part of Barbados. The waves here are such that even high-class athletes tend to ride them in the right season.
  • In the east of Barbados - calm and quiet. The beaches are wild and secluded, but surfers come here too, especially if they come with cute companions.
  • The northern shores of the island are practically not equipped for recreation, and fans of observing animals and birds in their natural habitat keep their way to them. This land is given over to the National Park of St. Peter County.
