More than 7 thousand trains move along the railways of the Czech Republic per day. Among them there are express trains, international and regional trains. Rail transport is a success in the Czech Republic.
Traveling around the country by rail is very convenient. Czech trains run to other European countries: Poland, Austria, Germany, Slovakia. The country is located in the central part of Europe, therefore it is a good starting point for international travel. There are stations in almost all the settlements of the country. The total length of the railway is approximately 9.5 thousand km. Of these, about 100 km are narrow-gauge roads.
Buying a train ticket
Train timetables in the Czech Republic can be viewed at the train station or on the Internet. By looking at cd.cz, the website of Czech railways, you can choose the desired route and book a ticket.
For domestic travel within the country, the train ticket is considered valid on other trains that follow the same route. Outside the Czech Republic, this rule does not apply, so the ticket can only be used on a specific train. Refunds and exchanges of tickets can be made before the departure date at the ticket office. An electronic ticket cannot be used by another passenger, as it is considered a personal ticket. If you plan to travel within the country, you do not need to print an electronic ticket. It is enough to present it to the controller in a laptop or smartphone. It is more profitable to buy train tickets online at cd.cz. You can pay for the fare before the trip by contacting the controller. In this option, the trip will cost more.
Advance seat reservation is not required for domestic flights. But when traveling to Austria, Germany, Poland or another European country, it is recommended to take care of the ticket in advance. Early booking gives you the opportunity to get a discount on travel.
Stations and trains
Prague is the center of the Czech railways. The most important stations are the Main Railway Station and the Holesovice Railway Station. Most of the Czech trains leave from the Main Station.
Train tickets in the Czech Republic allow you to take any seat in the carriage without reserving a specific seat. Specific locations are indicated on express train tickets. In fast trains, the carriages have compartments, each of which has 6 passenger seats.
Czech trains are divided into different types: night, high-speed, intercity, interregional, suburban, regional. As for the routes, the most popular are the following: Prague - Ostrava, Prague - Brno, Prague - Berlin.