How long is the flight from Nizhnevartovsk to Moscow?

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How long is the flight from Nizhnevartovsk to Moscow?
How long is the flight from Nizhnevartovsk to Moscow?

Video: How long is the flight from Nizhnevartovsk to Moscow?

Video: How long is the flight from Nizhnevartovsk to Moscow?
photo: How long does it take to fly from Nizhnevartovsk to Moscow?
photo: How long does it take to fly from Nizhnevartovsk to Moscow?

On vacation in Nizhnevartovsk, you could spend time in the Pink Panther and Mirage nightclubs, the Elysium entertainment center, the Trekhgorye ski complex, on Lake Komsomolskoye and in the Shuvaev Ethnographic Museum Complex, as well as see the Church of the Nativity of Christ and admire the singing fountain? At the moment, would you like to learn more about the return flight?

How long is it to fly from Nizhnevartovsk to Moscow (direct flight)?

The flight from Nizhnevartovsk to Moscow will last more than 3 hours (2300 km between cities). So, on board S7 aircraft you will spend 3 hours 55 minutes, and Utair - 3, 5 hours.

When planning your budget, include in it the costs of air tickets Nizhnevartovsk-Moscow - in May, April and September they will amount to 8,800-12,600 rubles.

Flight Nizhnevartovsk-Moscow with transfers

In this direction, most often transfers are made in Khanty-Mansiysk, Ufa, Novosibirsk, Tyumen, Osh and other cities. If the main carrier is "Utair", your way will lie through Khanty-Mansiysk (the journey will take 8 hours, waiting for the 2nd flight - 3 hours). If you fly home with Ural Airlines, you will make a stopover in Krasnodar (journey time - 17 hours, connections - 9.5 hours), Samara (you will spend 8 hours on the road, and before boarding the 2nd flight you will have 2, 5 hours) or Ufa (journey time - 28 hours, connections - 23 hours). In addition, if you wish, you can fly to Moscow via Novosibirsk (Ir Aero, Ural Airlines), then you will be home 24 hours later (you will have more than 18 hours before transferring to 2 planes).

Which airline to choose?

You will be sent to Moscow by the following carriers flying on Alenia ATR 72, Boeing 737-800, Airbus A 321-200 and other aircrafts: “Utair”; Yamal Airlines; Ural Airlines; "Ir Aero"; Angara Airlines.

The Nizhnevartovsk-Moscow flight is serviced by employees of the Nizhnevartovsk airport (NJC) - it is located 4 km from the city (buses No. 9, 31, 4, 15 are available to travelers). Before leaving for your homeland, you can rest here in the room for mothers and children and waiting rooms, get rid of hunger in food establishments, wrap your luggage with plastic foil and put it in the storage room, go shopping. And if necessary, you will be provided with medical assistance at the first-aid post.

What to do on board the plane?

The time spent on board the plane can be devoted to reflections that will help you decide which of your loved ones to give souvenirs from Nizhnevartovsk in the form of vendace caviar and gourmet products from local fish produced at the Santa Maria fish cannery, ceramics, jewelry …
