How long is the flight from Larnaca to Moscow?

How long is the flight from Larnaca to Moscow?
How long is the flight from Larnaca to Moscow?
photo: How long is the flight from Larnaca to Moscow?
photo: How long is the flight from Larnaca to Moscow?

In Larnaca, you could explore the Finikoudes promenade, see the Panaya Angeloktisti church, visit the place where the Zenobia ship crashed as part of an underwater excursion, have fun in the Circus Club and Geometry Club, take a break from worries on Makenzy Beach, visit the camel a farm, in a Bedouin tent, ride various attractions, swim in the pool, see the model of Noah's Ark in the Camel Park entertainment center, play fruit football? Are you flying to Moscow in the near future?

How long is the flight from Larnaca to Moscow (direct flight)?

The flight from Larnaca to Moscow will take almost 4 hours (more than 2300 km between cities). Thus, on board S7 aircraft, travelers will spend 3 hours 55 minutes, Transaero - 3.5 hours, and CyprusAirways - 3 hours 45 minutes.

Do you want to know how much flights from Larnaca to Moscow cost you? Please note that on average they cost 13,800 rubles (in April, August and December, you can get tickets for the price of 6,200 rubles).

Flight Larnaca-Moscow with transfers

Connecting flights, which usually take place in Heraklion, Vienna, Athens, Paris, Thessaloniki or other cities, take from 6 to 22 hours. With Aegean Airlines you will fly to Moscow via Athens and Thessaloniki (you will spend 9.5 hours on the road), from GTK Russia - via St. Petersburg (flight duration - 9 hours), from Belavia - via Minsk (you will spend 6 hours on the road), from “AirMalta” - via Malta (flight duration - 15.5 hours), from “Cyprus Airways” - via Athens (it will take 11 hours to get home) or via Heraklion (a flight with a transfer will take 12 hours), from “Swiss” - via Zurich and Geneva (the duration will be 17.5 hours). If you are offered to fly with a transfer in Bucharest (“Tarom”), you will return home in 13 hours (you will have to wait more than 7 hours to wait for the connection).

Choosing an air carrier

Flights from Larnaca to Moscow are carried out by the following airlines, which operate Boeing 767-300 ER, Embraer 175, Airbus A 319 and other aircraft: Cyprus Airways; Aegean Airlines; "KLM"; "GTK Russia"; Aeroflot.

Check-in for the Larnaca-Moscow flight is made at Larnaca International Airport (LCA) - it is located 5 km from Larnaca. Here you will be offered to go shopping in souvenir and duty-free shops, get rid of hunger in one of the catering establishments, settle in the VIP or business lounge, if necessary, seek the help of an employee of the first-aid post, and also in case of loss of things, contact the bureau finds.

What to do with yourself on the plane?

During the flight, you should think about how hand-made lace products, fashionable clothes and accessories, Cypriot wines (“Commandaria”), olive oil, Turkish delight, ceramic plates and vases with the image of Aphrodite, icons and other souvenirs from Larnaca will not be deprived of your attention. loved ones.
