Treatment in Azerbaijan

Treatment in Azerbaijan
Treatment in Azerbaijan
photo: Treatment in Azerbaijan
photo: Treatment in Azerbaijan

The Transcaucasian Republic of Azerbaijan is a popular destination for travelers who take care of their health. Sanatorium treatment in Azerbaijan is based on the use of naphthalan, figuratively called by the locals the thick blood of the earth, and mineral waters from thermal springs.

Important rules

Going to rest and treatment in Azerbaijan, it is important to carefully study all the recommendations of the attending physician. Despite the huge range of diseases that retreat at the local resorts, there are many contraindications to the use of naftalan and other methods of Azerbaijani doctors.

How do they help here?

The resorts of Azerbaijan are unique health resorts, the methods of treatment in which are based on the use of an amazing natural product called naftalan. This mineral oil from the bowels of the earth has healing components that heal many dermatological, vascular and gynecological diseases. The wellness program also includes procedures based on mineral and thermal water from local springs.

Methods and achievements

The main resorts where you can get treatment in Azerbaijan are well known to fans of Caucasian hospitality:

  • Mineral springs of the city of Nakhichevan are a unique natural resource of the region. Here many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are cured and relieved of dermatological problems. For those who have difficulty breathing due to chronic bronchitis or are unsuccessfully struggling with asthma, therapy in the Duzdag salt caves is practiced in Nakhichevan.
  • The balneological resort Naftalan is a modern health resort where you can forget about several dozen diseases. Doctors of the local sanatorium recommend their methods of treatment in Azerbaijan to those who suffer from psoriasis and eczema, bursitis and myositis, allergic dermatitis and thrombophlebitis. Therapy in Naftalan is indicated for radiculitis, ovarian dysfunction and atherosclerotic changes in the vessels. The pride of the resort is the museum of crutches, which were left as unnecessary by the patients of the sanatorium when they were discharged.

Issue price

The cost of staying in the sanatoriums of Azerbaijan depends on the comfort of the room and ranges from $ 40-50 per night for a single apartment to $ 70-80 for a family one. The price includes three meals a day and examination, as well as a treatment program.
