Tax free in Latvia

Tax free in Latvia
Tax free in Latvia
photo: Tax free in Latvia
photo: Tax free in Latvia

If you permanently reside outside the European Union, you have the option of getting a VAT refund. At the same time, up to 17% of the total cost of the purchase can be returned.

Stages of VAT refund

  • At the very beginning, you need to find stores with a Tax free shopping sticker on their windows. The availability of this service should be checked with the sellers.
  • The total purchase price must be from 43 euros. Keep in mind that making small purchases in different departments of the same shopping center allows you to receive a check for the total amount, as a result of which a VAT refund becomes possible. Tax free does not apply to services.
  • The seller of the store needs to present a passport in order to receive a special check and make its registration. You will need to enter current personal data in the document, avoiding any typos, errors.
  • The store employees will pack and seal the purchased goods. The package cannot be opened until the border has been passed and the mark has been received.
  • At customs when leaving the EU, you must present your receipt, passport and packed, sealed goods. As a result, the export customs mark will be put.
  • Without obtaining a customs stamp, it will not be possible to return VAT. In this case, the receipt procedure can only be passed if the goods are exported by the person who is indicated in the check.
  • You have the opportunity to choose the best way to get your money back: cash, bank check, transfer to a credit card.

What rules should be followed

When using the tax free system in Latvia, you need to remember a few rules:

  • Purchases must be taken out of the European Union within three months after they are made.
  • You need to get a customs stamp not in Latvia, but in the last country of the European Union, where you will visit.
  • A check can be used for one year, during which time it must be cashed or sent by mail.

Compliance with these rules and understanding of the specifics of the procedure ensures that the VAT refund will take place, and you will be able to appreciate all the advantages of this system. By giving preference to shopping in Latvia, you will be able to appreciate the variety of the offered assortment and the ideal quality of all goods.
