Around the capital of our homeland, of course, there are no seas or oceans where you can admire coral reefs or entire underwater cities. But diving in the Moscow region exists and delivers no less amazing impressions than diving in sea waters. At the same time, diving is organized all year round and ice diving has many fans.
Spas-Kamensky quarry

This dive site near Moscow is located not far from the Moscow Ring Road, just 25 kilometers along the Dmitrovskoe highway. The nearby settlement of Spas-Kamenka gave it its name.
There were huge deposits of black clay, the extraction of which continued until 1991. Then the work was completely stopped and the quarry began to gradually fill with water, turning into a lake. The maximum depth here is 16 meters, but according to local residents, the depth reaches all forty.
The slopes of the quarry go abruptly to the depth. When diving on them, you can see the submerged young birch. From underwater living creatures - the ubiquitous rotans and top-melts.
Rachy quarry
This small lake, better known as the Rachiy quarry, is located in the vicinity of the city of Solnechnogorsk. It is about 70 kilometers from Moscow.
The water in the lake is quite clean, which is confirmed by the numerous crayfish that have chosen their habitat for the quarry. In addition to these arthropods, pike, perch, carp, roach, ruffs and bleak are found here.
According to divers, the underwater world of the island is quite beautiful and there is something to see here. The maximum depth of the lake is 8 meters. In winter, visibility is much better than in summer and reaches 10 meters. In the summer - no more than three.
Lake Deep
Located in the suburbs of Zvenigorod near Moscow, Lake Glubokoe is a training place for many diving centers. The fact is that its depth reaches almost thirty meters, so only here, in the entire Moscow region, you can take a full course of study and receive the Advanced Open Water Diver PADI certificate, because in the process of study you must certainly dive to depths of more than 18 meters. Summer visibility is 4 meters.
White lake
Beloe Lake, located in the Yegoryevsk direction, will also be interesting for diving. There is excellent depth, good transparency of the water and one can say that the bottom relief is unique for the Moscow region, where you can explore several underwater caves.