Bering Sea

Bering Sea
Bering Sea
photo: Bering Sea
photo: Bering Sea

The northernmost of the Russian Far Eastern seas is the Bering Sea. Its water area is located between America and Asia. The sea is separated from the Pacific Ocean by the Commander and Aleutian Islands. The map of the Bering Sea shows that its boundaries are mostly natural. Only in some areas does it have conditional boundaries. The Bering Sea is considered one of the deepest and largest seas on the planet. It covers an area of about 2315 thousand square meters. km. Its average depth is 1640 m. The deepest point is 4151 m. The reservoir got its designation thanks to the explorer Bering, who studied it in the 18th century. Until that time, on the maps of Russia, the sea was called Bobrov or Kamchatka.

Geographic characteristics

The sea has a mixed continental-oceanic type and is considered marginal. There are few islands in its vast territory. Large islands are Aleutian, Komandorskie, Karaginsky, Nelson, St. Matthew, St. Paul, etc. The sea is distinguished by a complex indented coastline. It has many bays, bays, capes, peninsulas, straits. The Bering Sea is greatly influenced by the Pacific Ocean. Water exchange with it occurs through the straits: Bering, Kamchatsky and others. The Bering Strait connects the water area with the Arctic Ocean and the Chukchi Sea. In the central and southwestern regions, there are deep-water places, which are surrounded by coastal shoals. The seabed relief is even, with practically no depressions.

Climate in the Bering Sea region

Almost the entire water area is dominated by the subarctic climate. In the Arctic region, only the northern part of the sea is located, and in the zone of temperate latitudes - the southern edge. Therefore, in different parts of the Bering Sea, weather conditions are different. Continental features of the climate are manifested in areas located from 55 degrees latitude. The eastern region of the sea is warmer than the western one.

The role of the Bering Sea in the life of the country

This sea is intensively exploited by people. Today such important sectors of the economy as sea transport and fishing are developed there. A huge number of valuable salmonids are caught in the Bering Sea. There is also a fishery for flounder, pollock, cod and herring. Fishing for sea animals and whales is practiced. Freight traffic is developed in the Bering Sea, where the Far Eastern Sea Basin and the Northern Sea Route dock. The coast of the Bering Sea continues to be actively studied. Scientists are busy researching issues related to the further development of navigation and fishing.
