Sargasso Sea

Sargasso Sea
Sargasso Sea
photo: Sargasso Sea
photo: Sargasso Sea

The Sargasso Sea is considered a unique area of the Atlantic Ocean. It is limited by intermittent ocean currents. The water area of this sea stretches between the Canary Islands and the Florida Peninsula. Here, a powerful anticyclonic circulation of currents is formed counterclockwise: the Canary, North Atlantic, Gulf Stream, North Passat. If you are interested in the coast of the Sargasso Sea, then you will not find it on the map. This sea has no coast, it is surrounded by water on all sides.

Terrain and climate

The area of the Sargasso Sea exceeds 6 million square meters. km. It is devoid of coasts, except for Bermuda, which is of volcanic origin. The water area is located above the North American Trench - the deep region of the Atlantic. The maximum depth is marked at 7 thousand m. Due to the circulation of currents in the sea, an area with warm surface waters is formed. In winter, the water temperature there is +18 degrees. In the summer months, the sea warms up to +28 degrees. The layers of water mix well thanks to the currents, so even in deep places the temperature is never lower than +17 degrees. Even in tropical seas, the water is cooler. The water is characterized by high salinity. Such conditions negatively affect the marine life. There are few phyto algae here, and they are the basis of the food pyramid of the sea. For this reason, the Sargasso Sea is characterized by scarce zooplankton and a small number of animal species.

The deficiency of microorganisms causes the water to be crystal clear. It can be seen 60 m deep. The Sargasso Sea map proves that its water area has remained almost unchanged for several centuries, despite the slight fluctuation of its boundaries. Even in Columbus's time, the sea occupied the same territory as it does today. Winds are very rare over this area. Despite the turbulent circulation of currents, the sea is considered calm and quiet. Frequent and long periods of calm have previously become a real disaster for sailors. They waited weeks for a fair wind, waiting for the calm in the middle of the sea. Many of them died of thirst and hunger.

Feature of the sea

The Sargasso Sea is considered unique, since only there are formed huge communities of algae, the likes of which are nowhere else.

These sargassum algae gave the sea its designation. Scientists have identified three types of such algae, which have some differences. Strong hurricanes that form over the Gulf of Mexico and in the Caribbean, carry the Sargasso into the ocean. There they are picked up by currents, thanks to which sargassums accumulate in the water area of the sea. In total, there are approximately 10 million tons of algae in the Sargasso Sea. Sargassos form large-scale massifs, completely covering the surface of the water.
