India is an amazing and mysterious country with a huge tourist potential, but ambiguous climatic conditions. Tourists choose a vacation in India in June, while their interests are directed primarily towards cultural and historical attractions.
Weather forecast
The weather conditions are not very conducive to recreation, monsoons come along with the summer. Therefore, it rains quite often and intensively. In the mountains of Assam, the winds are also getting stronger.
The lowest temperature level in June is at around + 25C °, the upper one is approaching + 35C °. The best place to stay in India in the first summer month is the Himalayan mountains.
One of the most beautiful June festivals, Sindhu Darshan, is held in honor of the Sindhu River (the more familiar name of the Indus). She gave the name to the country and has the longest length in comparison with other rivers in India. All events of the holiday celebrate the Indus, which is a symbol of the identity and multidimensionality of Indian culture.
Shimla celebrates its holiday in early June - a summer festival that has been held for over fifty years. Musical performances, performances by eminent soloists and groups, a gastronomy holiday - everything is present here.
There are many places to relax in India. Some of them are known only to a narrow circle of exotic lovers, others have gained popularity for their high level of service and beach entertainment.
Goa is one of the most famous Indian resorts, aimed at the tourist and his satisfaction. The prices for vacations on the south coast of Goa are quite high, but the level of service is quite consistent with the prices. The northern part of this resort, on the contrary, is democratic in terms of prices and services provided. Young people who do not want to spend money on comfortable hotels find something to do with their interests. The northern regions of Goa are proud of their rave discos. Open-air sites become the venue for them.
Another place with an active nightlife is the beaches of Mumbai. This territory has not yet been mastered by Russian tourists; incendiary dances are performed by local residents and guests from Western Europe.
Indian diving
This sport is actively developing in this country. The most suitable places for diving are the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. The territories still sparsely populated by tourists attract lovers of pristine nature.