Yellow Sea

Yellow Sea
Yellow Sea
photo: Yellow Sea
photo: Yellow Sea

The Pacific Ocean has a semi-enclosed sea called the Yellow Sea. It is located west of the Korean Peninsula, in the east of Asia. This reservoir is distinguished by water with a yellow tint. It becomes so thanks to the sediment from the large Chinese rivers. In addition, sandstorms often occur in the area, bringing dust and sand to the sea. In China, many rivers have bright yellow water. Such water mixes with sea water, acquiring a golden-green hue. The Yellow River is one of the largest rivers that affect the composition of seawater. The Chinese themselves designate this Huanghai reservoir. It crashes into the mainland, its coast is divided among themselves by countries such as the DPRK, China and the Republic of Korea.

Geographic features of the sea

The water area occupies a relatively flat continental shelf. The Yellow Sea map reveals that it borders the East China Sea in the south. The Yellow Sea has an area of approximately 416 thousand square meters. km. It contains about 17 thousand cubic meters. km of water. The average depth is marked at a point equal to 40 m. The maximum sea depth is 106 m. The sea depth increases to the south. The Yellow Sea is washed by the following peninsulas: Shandong, Korean and Liaodong. The western shores are gentle, while the eastern ones are rocky. There are many small islands and large bays in the Yellow Sea. The largest islands are Chindo and Jeju.

Climatic conditions

The Yellow Sea coast is influenced by a monsoon temperate climate. In winter, dry and cold winds prevail here. In the summer months, humid and warm southeasterly winds blow. The period from June to mid-autumn is the time for tropical hurricanes. The coastal zone is characterized by hot summers and cold winters. In summer, the water temperature reaches +28 degrees. In winter, ice sometimes appears on the surface of the sea. Despite the summer warmth, the Yellow Sea is not an ideal holiday destination. Heavy rains, dust storms and typhoons often occur here. Water acquires a bright yellow-green hue in spring and summer.

Marine life

The Yellow Sea is rich in plankton, dominated by copepods. More than 300 species of fish live in seawater. Tuna, sea bream, and cod are of commercial importance. Oysters and mussels are also mined here. The flora of this sea is similar to that of the Sea of Japan. Brown and red algae and kelp grow rapidly in the water. Such vegetation is actively used in the food industry. Oysters, mussels and squid are of great importance for the Chinese economy. Tourism in this area is poorly developed, as it is hampered by poor ecology. There are 4 main resort areas near the Yellow Sea where you can have a good rest.
