Kolkovo - the airport in Tula began its work in the late 50s of the last century. On the basis of the already operating military airfield, a flight squadron was created with a small fleet of aircraft, which included An-2 and Yak-40 aircraft. Since August 1959, the first civil air services have been carried out, serving mainly local airlines. In addition, the squadron carried out work and sanitary flights.
In the early 60s, regular flights were opened on the routes Moscow - Tula - Donetsk - Adler. Initially, the flights were operated three times a week, but later the flights were daily.
By the end of the 60s, the airport in Tula carried out reconstruction work and put into operation a new terminal building. At the same time, the aircraft fleet was renewed and new flights were opened on the route Moscow - Tula - Donetsk - Gudauta.
The airline, which entered a new stage of its development, began to perform civil air transportation in more than 50 directions in the cities of the Soviet Union, and cooperated with more than 10 airlines in the world. The fleet of cars was regularly updated, the passenger and cargo flow of air traffic increased.
However, in the early 90s, with the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Tula airport fell on hard times. Regular civil air transportation ceased already by 1993. The detachment finally disintegrated by the end of the 1990s. Some of the aircraft were sold out. Some of the aircraft were operated until 1995, then the machines were dismantled for spare parts, written off and scrapped. In 2001, the airline was excluded from the Register of Russian Aerodromes.
Interesting Facts
It is noteworthy that due to the favorable location of the airfield in Tula, it almost never closed due to weather conditions and could always serve as an alternative for Moscow airfields.
And also, in 1981, a Tu-124V aircraft (tail number USSR-45090) landed at the Tula airport Klokovo, which completed its final flight, and was subsequently installed as a monument in the central park of culture and recreation of the city of Tula.
Airport today
Currently, a construction supermarket is located at the Tula civil airport.
The apron, the taxiway and the former flight control tower belong to the Tula Aviation Center for Small Aviation.
The project for the restoration of the Tula airport and the resumption of its activities is under consideration by the local administration.