Peru has a population of over 30 million.
National composition:
- Indians (Quechua, Aymara, Jibaro, Tupi);
- mestizo;
- Creoles, North Americans, Europeans;
- other nations (Japanese, Chinese, African).
23 people live per 1 sq. Km, but the most populated areas are the Costa (Pacific coast) and Sierra (mountain valleys), and the sparsely populated area is the Selva of the Amazon.
Indians mainly live in the Sierra and in the eastern part of the country, while Hispanic mestizos live in the Costa area. The capital and the coast are inhabited by Europeans (immigrants from Spain, Italy, Germany, France). Asians of Chinese and Japanese origin also live in the capital.
The official languages are Spanish and Quechua (English is spoken in large cities and good hotels).
Major cities: Lima, Arequipa, Callao, Chiclayo, Trujillo, Cuzco, Cajamarca, Pucallpa, Chimbote, Sullana.
The majority of Peruvians (90%) are Catholic, the rest are Protestant.
Life span
On average, the female population of Peru lives up to 73, and the male population up to 68 years.
Despite rather high indicators of life expectancy, in rural areas many people are deprived of quality drinking water, adequate sanitation facilities, electricity and medical care.
Traditions and customs of the inhabitants of Peru
Peruvians are friendly and welcoming people. They love to celebrate religious holidays. Thus, Easter and Good Friday in Peru are accompanied by mass processions and ceremonies with church services and cultural events. On All Saints' Day, it is customary to arrange festive events with a visit to the graves of ancestors.
Peruvians treat festivals with special trepidation: the most beloved are the Mariner Dance Festival (celebrated in January in La Libertada), the La Vindimina Wine Festival (celebrated in Ica in March), the Bullfighting Festival (celebrated in November in Lima).
Of interest is the custom associated with a wedding cake: when it is baked, beautiful ribbons are laid out between the layers, and a ring is tied to the end of one of them. Before serving, the cake is cut, and the unmarried girls take turns pulling ribbons from the cake. The one who gets the ribbon with a ring, according to tradition, should get married within a year.
In memory of Peru, it is worth buying silver jewelry, furs, knitted woolen products, pottery, masks, llama wool carpets, and wooden items decorated with artistic carvings.
If you are visiting Peru, drink only bottled water and do not buy food on the street or in cheap establishments. And if you're planning a trip to Selva, get a yellow fever vaccine.