Description of the attraction
The small pedestrianized St. Mary's Lane is considered one of the most beautiful corners of the Gluvne Miasto district. Its main attractions are the St. Mary's Gate and the Church of the Holy Virgin Mary, but many tourists value this street not for its historical sites, but for the special atmosphere created by the fancy combination of an old pavement with stone houses built in the 15th-18th centuries, decorated with carved portals and staircases decorated with gargoyles, lions and other representatives of the animal and mythological worlds. Earlier, only wealthy people, members of the city council, lending money to the townspeople, and processing precious stones settled on Mariatskaya Street. Now on Maria's street there are bohemian artists' workshops, art galleries, cozy cafes and restaurants, boldly decorated souvenir shops, which sell not only the obligatory magnets, postcards and guidebooks, but also various amber products.
Although almost all the houses on the street were destroyed during the Second World War, they were reconstructed with amazing precision in the 60s of the XX century, so their appearance is no different from the original. This recreated corner of the Middle Ages has always attracted artists and filmmakers here.
Maryatskaya Street after its formation was called Panyanskaya (or in Russian - Maiden). Scientists tend to associate this name with the Church of the Virgin Mary, which with its western facade faces just this street.
Maria's street begins at the gate of the same name, which was built in 1484. Before their appearance, the street was much shorter than it is now. This is due to the swampy area, where it was difficult to erect tall buildings. With the construction of the gate, the site near the Motława River was strengthened and the street continued, turning it into one of the most comfortable corners of Gdańsk.