The national flag of the Republic of Honduras was first raised in 1866 after its official approval as one of the integral symbols of the country.
Description and proportions of the flag of Honduras
The classic shape of the flag of the Honduras flag is a rectangle, the sides of which are related to each other in a 2: 1 ratio. The field of the flag of Honduras is divided horizontally into three parts of equal width. The top and bottom stripes are bright blue, and the center stripe is white. In the middle field of the flag there are five five-pointed stars, the color of which follows the color of the outer fields. One star is located in the center of the imaginary rectangle, and the other four are in its corners.
The blue color on the flag of Honduras symbolizes the water area of the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean, washing the state from the east and west. The stars on the banner are countries that were once part of the Central American Federation. Located together, they symbolized the hope of the inhabitants of the country for the revival of close relations between the members of the commonwealth.
The Honduran Navy flag practically repeats the national flag. The only difference between them is that the outer stripes have a more saturated blue hue, and the country's coat of arms is located in the center of the white field.
History of the flag of Honduras
After declaring independence from Spanish colonial rule in 1821, Honduras raised a flag with stripes of white, dark green, and bright red diagonally arranged from top to bottom and from left to right. In the center of the flag was the coat of arms, on the white field - green, on the red - white, and on the green - red stars.
In 1823, the inhabitants of the country adopted a cloth as a flag, similar to the modern version. The bottom and top horizontal stripes on it were blue, and the middle field was white. In the center of the rectangle was the coat of arms of the country. In 1839, the coat of arms was removed, and the color of the outer stripes changed from blue to deep blue.
In this form, the flag of Honduras existed until 1866, when five blue stars first appeared in its center, and the outer fields again acquired a lighter shade. This is the kind of flag of Honduras that exists today as the state flag.
The change in the color of the stars to gold, adopted in 1898, lasted until 1949, after which the appearance of the Honduran flag returned to the 1866 version and has remained unchanged since then.