Mount Gran Sasso description and photos - Italy: Pescara

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Mount Gran Sasso description and photos - Italy: Pescara
Mount Gran Sasso description and photos - Italy: Pescara

Video: Mount Gran Sasso description and photos - Italy: Pescara

Video: Mount Gran Sasso description and photos - Italy: Pescara
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Mount Gran Sasso
Mount Gran Sasso

Description of the attraction

Gran Sasso is one of the most spectacular sights around Pescara, the highest Italian peak south of the Alps. The mountain, called the “Great Cliff of Italy”, is located in the heart of the Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga National Park, which offers many opportunities for recreation and sports. The park with a total area of 150 thousand hectares was founded in 1991 to protect the landscapes and ecosystems of the Gran Sasso mountain range, the Monti Gemelli and Monti della Laga mountains.

The massif itself consists of three peaks - Corno Grande (2912 meters), Corno Piccolo and Pizzo Intermesoli. The Corno Grande is home to the largest glacier in southern Europe, the Calderone. And to the east of these peaks stretches the largest plateau of the Apennine Peninsula - Campo Imperiale, on which the oldest ski resorts in the country are located. It was here, in the hotel "Campo Imperatore", that Benito Mussolini was imprisoned. And here, in 1943, the operation under the code name "Oak" was unfolded to rescue Duce from captivity.

In 1984, a tunnel was built through Gran Sasso, which directly connected Rome with the Adriatic coast. The second tunnel was commissioned in 1995, and the third is currently undergoing physics experiments at the national laboratory.

Alpine skiing is by far the most popular type of holiday on Gran Sasso. Fans of outdoor activities from all over the world come to conquer the local slopes. And during the warmer months, hiking and climbing are popular here. A variety of sports are invariably accompanied by breathtaking views and unspoiled wildlife.

