Description of the attraction
National Olonets Museum of Karelian-Livviks named after N. T. Prilukina began its work on January 30, 1959. The initiator of this event was the local lore enthusiast Prilukin from Olonetsk, because it was on the basis of his collection, dedicated to the ethnographic monuments of the Livik Karelians, that the collection of the new museum was compiled. In 1994, the Olonets Museum received the status of a national institution, and already in 1999 the museum was awarded the title of not only the founder, but also the first director of Prilukin.
The main part of the richest funds of the museum consists of ethnographic collections, which so accurately characterize the history, spiritual and material culture of the Livvik Karelians of the Olonets district of the 19-20 centuries. The museum keeps the rarest items of not only Christian, but also pagan cult, represented by wooden crosses and icons, various amulets and even wizards' staffs. In addition, Olonets embroidery, for example, towels, tablecloths and valances, has found its place in the museum. The museum exposition also contains unique items and products of the famous Olonets craftswoman Tatiana Ivanovna Rikkieva. All products of the famous needlewoman are made using the "Poimitto" technique, for which they received a silver medal in 1900 at an exhibition in Paris, which has a world class. One exposition is presented with items dedicated to old New Year's toys; it was opened in 2001. The largest number of museum exhibits tell about people living on this land, moreover, museum workers especially carefully keep extracts from magazines, photographs, posters and posters, letters of commendation and sentences - all evidence and documents that are somehow connected with the historical development of the region and its inhabitants.
The entire museum fund includes collections of more than 20 thousand various items, and is one of the most significant repositories of the material and spiritual culture of the Republic of Karelia. At the moment, the acquisition is carried out in three different directions: personal archives belonging to the residents of the region, documentary and ethnographic monuments of the Karelian-Livviks and the history of the formation of enterprises and various institutions of the region.
In the exhibition hall of the museum, exhibitions are replaced every month, which are at the disposal of its own funds. This number of exhibits includes copyright collections of photographers, artists, craftsmen of arts and crafts, as well as funds of other museums.
The National Museum of Karelian-Livviks is not only the author, but also an active participant in the projects: "Olonets Games of Santa Clauses", "Frost-Festival", "Olonia - Goose Capital". Museum work at the moment is also represented by the activities of the “Pakkaine School”, which conducts training courses and carries out production activities based on the revival and study of old Olonets weaving. In addition, a republican folklore holiday dedicated to children called "Olonets round dance" is held here, as well as a museum action called "Sweetheart sundress", competition "Olonets voivode" and many others. It is these innovative projects and daily museum activities for the collection, study, and preservation of the unique spiritual and cultural heritage of this region that serve the intensive development of culture, as well as the full development of the national distinctive territory.
Not only excursions, museum lessons and lectures are held in the museum, but also scientific and practical conferences. The museum also issues small editions of collections of museum research. For the compilation and publication of its own projects, the National Museum of the Karelian-Livviks received a grant support from the Demand Fund.