Pima Palace (Palata Pima) description and photos - Montenegro: Kotor

Pima Palace (Palata Pima) description and photos - Montenegro: Kotor
Pima Palace (Palata Pima) description and photos - Montenegro: Kotor
Pima Palace
Pima Palace

Description of the attraction

One of the buildings of the architectural ensemble of the old town of Kotor is the Pima Palace.

The Pima Palace is probably the most representative and beautiful building on the Flour Square in old Kotor. It belonged to the Pima family, which flourished from the 14th to the 18th century and actively participated in the life of the city. The family gave the city many famous names, such as the poets Jerome Pima and Bernard Pima, the Juris Doctor Luis Pima, professor at the University of Padua.

Pima Palace, built in the 17th century, presumably after the earthquake in 1667, still impresses with its beauty and uniqueness to this day. The facade of the building, terrace, balcony with patterned railings, bright green shutters on the windows will not leave indifferent any connoisseur of architectural art.

Like many buildings of old Kotor, Pima Palace is made in different architectural styles. The large stone terrace decorated with ornamental carvings, the main portal and the courtyard, in which a system of stairs and galleries leads to the upper floors, are made in the Renaissance style. The long balcony on the second floor on twelve stone brackets, the main portal, which depicts the coat of arms of the Pima family, supported by two angels, are made in the Baroque style.

Although the palace is believed to have been erected in the 17th century, recent research has established that some portions of the window openings on the rear façade of the building belong to the Romanesque and Gothic periods in architecture.

At the beginning of the twentieth century. over the central part of the palace, two floors were completed, intended for the needs of the nautical school, in 1979 these buildings were demolished, and the palace acquired its original appearance.

