Kornyakt's house description and photo - Ukraine: Lviv

Kornyakt's house description and photo - Ukraine: Lviv
Kornyakt's house description and photo - Ukraine: Lviv
Kornyakt's house
Kornyakt's house

Description of the attraction

The Kornyakt House in Lviv or house No. 4 is one of the most striking architectural monuments of the ancient city, which, moreover, is a real decoration of the Market Square. The house was built in the late Renaissance style and its beauty still fascinates and attracts.

It was built back in 1580, by order of the wealthy merchant Konstantin Kornyatko. In those days, as well as today, this house is considered one of the most beautiful residential buildings in the central square of the city. Two Corinthian columns majestically frame the entrance to the building, and once inside, you will find yourself in the unusual atmosphere of an Italian courtyard. The building's lush portal once reached the middle of the sidewalk that now exists. The building has undergone numerous reconstructions, however, even today, some fragments of the 14th century can be found here. This is how the only example of secular Gothic architecture in Lviv, the Gothic Hall, has survived to this day.

If we talk about the history of this house, then it is also mysterious, sometimes tragic, and sometimes historical, like its architecture. After the death of the Greek merchant Korniatka, the building passed into the possession of Jakub Sobieski, who was the father of the future Polish king Jan III. It was since then that the second name of the house appeared - Royal Kamenitsa. But the story of the house doesn't end there. Almost a century later, namely in 1686, on the second floor of the Kamenitsa, a truly historic event took place in the Throne Room - the "Eternal Peace" was signed between Poland and Russia. Today, the house houses a historical museum and everyone can visit the house, enjoy unique expositions and feel the atmosphere of the Middle Ages. There is a small and very cozy cafe on the ground floor. All newlyweds of Lviv come here to take pictures.

