Description of the attraction
The spiritual life of Kiev today is concentrated in the International Center for Culture and Arts, and this is not an exaggeration. For example, not every cultural institution, even in the capital, can boast of a library with a unique fund of over seventy thousand copies.
The building itself, which now belongs to the International Center, was erected in the late 30s - early 40s. 19th century designed by Russian architect V. I. Beretti. After his death, the construction was completed by the architect's son, A. V. Beretti. The building in the style of classicism was given to the Institute for Noble Maidens, which in the pre-revolutionary period was a closed educational institution. The institute provided education, ethical, aesthetic education, and also allowed to apply for the position of educators of children of the noble and merchant class. Girls of noble origin were admitted to the institute, but in 1852 honorary citizens of Kiev and merchants of the first guild received the right to teach their daughters at the institute. The full educational course lasted six years. The teachers of the institute were mainly professors of the Kiev University.
After the Bolsheviks came to power, the institution was closed. In the 30s of the last century, the premises of the institute were given to the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs of the Ukrainian Republic. During the years of occupation, it housed the Gestapo. During the Great Patriotic War, the building burned down. In the 50s it was restored and reconstructed (the group of architects was led by A. I. Zavarova). After that, the building was used as a Palace of Culture. Currently - the International Center. Today, all kinds of meetings with writers, composers, public and state figures, people's deputies take place here.