Roman catacombs (Catacombe di Roma) description and photos - Italy: Rome

Roman catacombs (Catacombe di Roma) description and photos - Italy: Rome
Roman catacombs (Catacombe di Roma) description and photos - Italy: Rome
Roman catacombs
Roman catacombs

Description of the attraction

A religious shrine is the catacombs located along the Appian Way, where drawings of the first Christians have been preserved, who used these premises for prayer meetings and burial of the dead.

Just outside the Aurelian Walls, a series of burials begins along the Appian Way; the most famous of them is the tomb of Cecilia Metella. In 1302, Pope Boniface VIII gave this tomb into the possession of his relatives Caetani, and they included it in their fortified castle. At the end of the 16th century, the marble facing of the tomb was made.

The catacombs of San Callisto are still little explored. They are laid on four levels and the length of the tunnels is about 20 km. Some rooms are decorated with frescoes.

The church of the same name rises above the catacombs of San Sebastian. Numerous drawings on the walls of the refectory depict scenes of worship of the apostles Peter and Paul, whose remains were once hidden somewhere in these catacombs.

