Description of the attraction
The Aqueduct is a popular attraction located in the north of the Old Bar. The word "aqueduct" in Latin is a water conduit specializing in supplying water to settlements, hydropower and irrigation systems from sources located above. In a narrower sense, "aqueduct" is an element of a water conduit, which is a bridge over a river or ravine.
The aqueduct in Old Bar was built during the Ottoman occupation of Montenegro in the 17th century. It consists of 17 massive pillars supporting 17 arches. Above the pillars, according to the rules for the construction of aqueducts, the Turks laid ceramic pipes with a diameter of about 12 centimeters in a closed channel. This majestic structure was built of rough hewn stone, from a distance it resembles a giant mountain bridge.
In the old days, the aqueduct was actively used for its intended purpose - with its help the entire local population was supplied with water. Today the aqueduct is only a popular tourist and historical structure.
With its appearance, the aqueduct gives the picturesque area of Old Bar the appearance of a truly ancient city, over which time has no power. Throughout its existence, the aqueduct was seriously damaged once - during an earthquake in the late 70s. After that the aqueduct was promptly restored.
Today the aqueduct is abandoned due to the fact that virtually no one lives in the Old Bar.