Kunsthalle Museum description and photos - Germany: Hamburg

Kunsthalle Museum description and photos - Germany: Hamburg
Kunsthalle Museum description and photos - Germany: Hamburg
Kunsthalle Museum
Kunsthalle Museum

Description of the attraction

The Kunsthalle Museum is an artistic landmark of Hamburg, which is housed in three interconnected buildings at once. The idea of creating such a unique place came from a group of art lovers in 1817. But only in 1846 they received a land plot for the construction of a museum. The project of the future building was developed by the architect Georg Theodor Schirrmacher and Hermann von der Hude.

By 1869, a brick building appeared, which received the name of the Kunsthalle Museum. All the expenses necessary to carry out the work on the construction of the structure fell on the residents of Hamburg, and the museum collections were replenished only thanks to the works of art donated by wealthy people. One of the significant roles in the formation of the museum was played by the city's financier Gustav Christian Schwabe, who donated 128 paintings to the Kunsthalle.

By 1886, the museum could already independently acquire some of the canvases. When Alfred Lichtwark became director in the Kunsthalle, the collections presented were significantly increased, over a thousand paintings were bought, books, medals, sculptures and coins were collected. Painting of the 19th century played a special role for Lichtvark, which is why the museum created a collection of works of art by such talented artists as Max Liebermann, Andres Zorn, Pierre Bonnard, Lovis Corinth. Among the exhibitions in the Kunsthalle, you can see the works of the classics of German romanticism.

In the XX century, the museum was significantly expanded, by 1921 an outbuilding was added, made of shell limestone with an unusual green dome. This addition was created by the architect Fritz Schumacher. The museum is divided into several parts, among which there is a gallery of old masters, classical modernism, a painting hall of the 19th century, an exhibition of prints and a gallery of modern art.

