Description of the attraction
The ancient Lighthouse of Ancona, about 20 meters high, and the remains of the nearby arsenal are today the only reminders of the once prestigious status of Ancona - a first-class citadel since the city was incorporated into the united Italy in 1860. The lighthouse was built in 1859 on the Cappuccini hill at the initiative of Pope Pius IX. It used Fresnel lenses, named for a French engineer who in the 19th century invented a revolutionary optical mechanism with special concentric lenses assembled to direct light to a single point and reflect it over long distances. Later, the so-called telegraph was attached to the lighthouse, on which in 1904 Guglielmo Marconi experimented with the first radio signal. In 1965, due to the peculiarities of the geological structure of the earth, in the place where the old lighthouse stood, a new one had to be built 200 meters from it, which still performs its functions today. It also uses Fresnel lenses. The new lighthouse, 15 meters high, is shaped like a square tower.
Nearby are the remains of a military arsenal that was once part of the city's defensive system. Its task was to prevent any potential enemy landing attempt ashore. The arsenal was built in a special way - its hidden weapons were located along the top of the fort, which in turn was underground. Today you can see the ruins of the Battery del Semaforo and the Battery of Santa Teresa, located between the two lighthouses.
Until recently, the old lighthouse could be visited - a group of volunteer enthusiasts kept it in fair condition. However, it was closed to the public a few years ago. True, since then, Ancona residents have campaigned for the restoration of the old tower and its re-opening as a tourist attraction and symbol of the city. From the upper terrace of the lighthouse one could admire the wonderful view of Ancona, the bay, the port and the Adriatic Sea.