Alexandrovsky Art Museum description and photos - Russia - Golden Ring: Alexandrov

Alexandrovsky Art Museum description and photos - Russia - Golden Ring: Alexandrov
Alexandrovsky Art Museum description and photos - Russia - Golden Ring: Alexandrov
Alexander Art Museum
Alexander Art Museum

Description of the attraction

The Aleksandrovsky Art Museum was founded in 1989. It is the only municipal art museum in the Vladimir region. The museum occupies buildings that were built in the 19th century. These include: an exhibition hall, which is located in one of the buildings of the shopping mall, and the estate complex, which once belonged to the family of the merchant Aleksey Mikhailovich Pervushin.

Pervushin built his mansion in 1874, and at the beginning of the 20th century. it was changed, most likely, by order of the merchant's heirs - his sons Sergei and Nicholas and his daughter Zinaida. The mansion was decorated in a neoclassical style, which was quite fashionable at the time. Semi-columns with Corinthian capitals, white-stone Empire stucco molding, a delightful two-story veranda on the east side of the house that resembles an Italian portico - all this makes the building one of the most beautiful in the city.

The house itself and most of its decor have survived to this day and have been restored by the museum. Restoration work continues today. The museum staff recreated the interiors of the mansion in the traditions of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The fence of the estate has two entrance gates. Next to the "upper" gate is the gateway. The interior of a peasant hut with typical household items has been reconstructed here. The coach house is located behind the manor house. It houses the "Magic of Stone" exposition, which is deservedly popular among the museum visitors. The stage for many entertainment programs is the so-called courtyard, which was part of a former park area.

The exhibition hall of the museum is located in a building dating back to the second half of the 19th century. Large areas of the halls serve to present to the attention of visitors works of graphics, painting, arts and crafts. The works of local artists and recognized masters of Russia are exhibited here. The SOTS-ART Gallery also operates here.

On Lenin Street in the central library there is an exposition "Museum of Labor Glory" and a gallery of the front-line artist A. M. Koloskov. On the basis of the museum, there are studios of folk art, an artists' club, a history and local history club.

Together with the public, the museum has developed several competitive programs aimed at patriotic and moral and aesthetic education of the younger generation, many of them have received grants at the regional and Russian levels.

The collection of the museum is a unique collection that gives a complete and meaningful idea of the culture of Aleksandrov and Aleksandrovsky district for a fairly long historical period of the 19th - early 21st centuries. Here are collected works of the Moscow and Vladimir schools of graphics, Vladimir painting, works of world-famous Russian artists are presented: Britov, Makovsky, Frantsuzov, Shemyakin, Andriyaka, Kazantsev, Kharlamov.

The museum funds contain a collection of Kroki manufactories of the Baranovs of the pre-revolutionary period. Of particular historical and cultural significance are photographs and documents, works of art of the pre-revolutionary period associated with the charitable activities of the merchants Pervushins, Zubov, Baranovs. It houses collections that represent the creative dynasties of Alexander's artists: the Ketovs, Lavrovsky, Zabironins and others.

The scientific library of the Aleksandrov Art Museum contains about 6 thousand items. It contains literature on the history of art, on the types and genres of art, art history, museology, literature on philosophy and reference books. The museum has a reading room where visitors have the opportunity to work with literature. The golden fund of the library is represented by the local history library, donated to the museum by L. S. Stroganov. Among its unique editions and rarities are the works of Stromilov, Khmelevsky, Pogodin, Stroganov on the history of the Vladimir region, the history of the Russian state, literature of the Soviet period, various editions of Russian chronicles.

Intellectual thematic games are regularly organized in the museum, films on the history of the region and about the artists of the Alexandrovskaya land are shown. Among other things, the museum is engaged in publishing activities, holds museum classes, talks, lectures, contests for children.

