Mirgorodskaya puddle description and photo - Ukraine: Mirgorod

Mirgorodskaya puddle description and photo - Ukraine: Mirgorod
Mirgorodskaya puddle description and photo - Ukraine: Mirgorod
Mirgorodskaya puddle
Mirgorodskaya puddle

Description of the attraction

Mirgorodskaya puddle is located in the city center, near the Assumption Church. This is a small lake that does not dry up even in the hot summer season, as it is fed from underground water springs. The pond was immortalized by the famous writer N. V. Gogol as "Mirgorodskaya puddle" in the story "How Ivan Ivanovich Quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich."

Mirgorodskaya puddle that adorned the city in the 19th century. and earlier, still alive. Unfortunately, only a tenth of it remained, which, thanks to N. V. Gogol, is today a local attraction.

For the 200th anniversary of the Russian writer (April 1, 2009), an embankment was built around the Mirgorodskaya puddle, on which a monument to N. V. Gogol, about 3 m high. The authors of the monument were sculptors from Poltava D. Korshunov and V. Golubov. The monument became the basis of the sculptural complex, which was dedicated to the literary heroes of Gogol's works: Khlestakov, Ivan Ivanovich with Ivan Nikiforovich, Oksana and the blacksmith Vakula, Puzaty Patsyuk, the incomparable Solokha and the clerk sitting in a sack. The sculptor D. Korshunov was the author of the sculptural composition. In the Mirgorodskaya puddle itself, adorable swans and ducks swim, which constantly go ashore and ask for bread from passers-by. In winter, the "stakes" do not freeze, once again emphasizing the singularity of their water.

Today, of course, it is difficult to call a well-groomed pond a puddle, but according to legend, many years ago it really was a puddle in the center of Mirgorod, which was covered by white flocks of geese and ducks belonging to local residents.

