Dongdaemun gate (Heunginjimun) description and photos - South Korea: Seoul

Dongdaemun gate (Heunginjimun) description and photos - South Korea: Seoul
Dongdaemun gate (Heunginjimun) description and photos - South Korea: Seoul
Dongdaemun Gate
Dongdaemun Gate

Description of the attraction

Dongdaemun Gate, also known as Heunginjimun, is one of the eight gates in the city wall that once surrounded Seoul. The name Dongdaemun translates as "the gate of ascending kindness", and the second name of the gate - Heunginjimun - translated from Korean sounds like "the great eastern gate."

The first gate was built during the reign of Wang Taejo (in Korean, wang is king), in 1398, and fully reflected the style of that era. A special characteristic of this gate was the outer wall behind it, which was built to protect the gate from repeated attacks. It is believed that over 100,000 people were involved in the construction of the gate and that the gate was completed in 49 days. However, such a rush affected the quality, the gate was practically destroyed during heavy rainfall. Wang Taejo was angry and ordered to rebuild the gate. They were reconstructed in 1453. And the building of the gate, as we see it now, dates back to 1869.

There is a legend associated with the Dongdaemun Gate that the gate tilts a little if there is any unrest in the state. This was the case in 1453, when King Tanjong was expelled from the royal palace, and the gate tilted towards the village, where the king was expelled, where he was subsequently poisoned.

Today there is a market around the gate called Dongdaemun Market. With over 20 shopping malls, this market is considered one of the three largest markets in Seoul and is loved by locals as well as foreigners.

