Description of the attraction
The Tea Museum was opened in 2011 in the premises of the former tea laboratory of the Moscow Tea Factory, which is located on Borovoy Street. The history of the factory itself began in the second half of the 19th century, and during its operation, the factory has accumulated many samples of various tea - both produced by the Moscow factory itself and other enterprises of the former Soviet Union, as well as samples of foreign production. All this tea became the basis of the museum collection.
Most of the tea samples have accumulated thanks to the work of tea testers - factory specialists who are engaged in tea preparation, tasting and quality control.
By the exhibits presented in the museum, more precisely, by their packaging and labels, one can trace not only the history of tea production, but also partly the history of trade and economic relations of pre-revolutionary Russia and then the Soviet Union with other tea exporting countries - India, China, Sri Lanka …
One of the oldest exhibits in the tea museum is tea produced at the beginning of the 20th century. It was packed in glass containers. After the October Revolution, the USSR began to grow their own tea, and the packaging became more proletarian - paper, in the form of familiar cubes.
After the end of the Great Patriotic War, the USSR again began to export tea from India, which was considered the highest quality and most delicious. One of the packages of Indian tea depicted an elephant, and "tea with an elephant" became one of the brands of the Soviet era. The 60s in the history of Soviet tea in the museum are presented by the first tea bags made for Aeroflot, the only air carrier in the USSR.
Foreign tea is represented by samples of Chinese slab tea and products of the Brook Bond company produced in the last century.