Sigmund Freud Museum description and photos - Austria: Vienna

Sigmund Freud Museum description and photos - Austria: Vienna
Sigmund Freud Museum description and photos - Austria: Vienna
Sigmund Freud Museum
Sigmund Freud Museum

Description of the attraction

The Sigmund Freud Museum is located at 19 Berggasse in Vienna. Sigmund Freud has lived and worked in this apartment since 1891.

When Freud arrived in Vienna in 191, this house was recently built on the site of a demolished house. Freud's family moved into the apartment, and soon there was a study, a reception area, where Sigmund consulted his patients. The family spent 47 years in an apartment on Berggasse, after which they were forced to leave Vienna in 1938 due to their Jewish origin. These were the most difficult times in Freud's life. The Third Reich did not want to let him out of the country for a long time, forcing him to write a gratitude to the Gestapo for his good services, and in addition to pay 4000 dollars as a ransom. Freud was greatly helped at that time by his former patient, Princess Marie Bonaparte of Greece, thanks to whose power and influence the family managed to escape to London. However, Freud's two sisters ended up in the camps, where they died during the Second World War.

The Sigmund Freud Museum consists of private rooms and office space. The museum houses the largest library on psychoanalysis in Europe, with about 35,000 valuable volumes. The exhibition includes original items belonging to Freud.

It contains an archive of images containing about two thousand documents, mainly photographs, as well as paintings, drawings and sculptures. The collection consists of almost all existing photographs of Sigmund Freud and his family, a large number of photographs of Anna Freud and photographs from psychoanalytic congresses.

Freud's famous sofa is currently not in the Vienna Museum, but in the Freud Museum in London, where he took most of the furniture from Berggasse. In addition to these two museums, there is a third one. It is located in the Czech city of Pribor, in the house where Sigmund Freud was born on May 6, 1856.

