Description of the attraction
The Mahsuri Mausoleum embodies the wonderful legend of the island of Langkawi, which mythologically explains the difficult fate of the island.
This famous legend tells of a young beauty, Princess Mahsuri. The inhabitants of the island, perhaps out of envy for her beauty and family happiness, accused the innocent princess of adultery. The verdict was cruel - the death penalty. No less cruel was his performance: the beauty was stabbed into the very heart. Already with a dagger in her chest, a girl betrayed by her fellow countrymen cursed the island for seven future generations of its inhabitants. White blood flowed from the chest of the dying woman - proof of her innocence. And a lot of troubles fell on the island. The reason for them was the aggressive plans of the neighboring state of Siam, which intended to seize the island, or rather the whole archipelago of the islands of the Strait of Malacca, destroying the population. The main enemy of the princess, who slandered her, also died in the battles.
The power of the curse lasted exactly two hundred years - until December 31, 1986. And from January 1 of the following year, the island was declared a free economic zone of Malaysia. After many years of disasters, life on the island improved, it turned into one of the best Asian resorts - with magnificent nature and rich underwater world. The famous white sand of the island's beaches is considered a symbol of the murdered innocent girl. On Pasir Hitam beach, black sand is of volcanic origin. This is also given a mythological explanation - it turned black due to the curse of the princess.
A tomb has been erected at the burial site of Princess Mahsuri. A whole complex has been created around it. The princess's museum displays the dagger with which she was stabbed, and some of her jewelry. The entire mausoleum is built of white marble - a sign of innocence. There is a well in the surrounding garden, according to residents, it was dug by Makhsuri herself. The truthfulness of the words confirms the antiquity of the well, as well as the fact that even in drought it is always filled with water. They say that those who wash themselves with water from a well will be happy.
Since the mausoleum is a favorite place for tourists, a souvenir shop, a restaurant and even a small theater have been built on its territory.