Residential house of architect T.G. Botyanovsky description and photo - Russia - Volga region: Saratov

Residential house of architect T.G. Botyanovsky description and photo - Russia - Volga region: Saratov
Residential house of architect T.G. Botyanovsky description and photo - Russia - Volga region: Saratov
Residential house of the architect T. G. Botyanovskiy
Residential house of the architect T. G. Botyanovskiy

Description of the attraction

Chroniclers and local historians reasonably bypass post-revolutionary architecture, when construction was carried out mainly by the method of folk construction, with economy of material and crazy ideas in the style of constructivism. The change in the social system greatly influenced the goals of architectural tasks and simplified them to the level of public life. However, thanks to the architects who remained in Russia, houses worthy of attention and respect were erected. Saratov can be proud of one of them.

This house was built in 1956 at the beginning of Kirov Avenue, near the Lyra fountain, opposite the architectural symbol of the city - the Saratov State Conservatory, by the architect TG Botianovskiy. The residential building is made in the Stalinist Baroque style and was awarded at the All-Union competition as a successful architectural solution of the facade in 1965.

Taras Grigorievich Botyanovsky is a talented and creatively principled person who was "lucky" to work as an architect in Saratov in such difficult times for Russian architecture, was brought up in a noble family, alien to art and having a kinship with the composer PI Tchaikovsky. Taras Grigorievich not only designed the house on Kirov Avenue, but also lived in it before leaving for Volgodonsk, where he was appointed the chief architect of the city. In Saratov, his works can be seen in the reconstruction of the Opera and Ballet Theater (1962), in the design of the reconstruction of the Nikitin brothers' circus (1959-1963), the author of the project for the NVNIIGG building on Teatralnaya Square (1956-1958), the publishing complex (now to / t "Illuminator") opposite the Lipki Park.

The dwelling house of the architect Botyanovsky has successfully blended into the architectural ensemble of Kirov Avenue, the basis of the construction of which falls on the middle and end of the nineteenth century, which was included in the golden fund of Saratov architecture.

