Danau Sentarum National Park description and photos - Indonesia: Kalimantan Island (Borneo)

Danau Sentarum National Park description and photos - Indonesia: Kalimantan Island (Borneo)
Danau Sentarum National Park description and photos - Indonesia: Kalimantan Island (Borneo)
Danau-Sentarum National Park
Danau-Sentarum National Park

Description of the attraction

Danau-Sentarum National Park is located in the heart of the island of Borneo - in the Kapuas Hulu district, West Kalimantan province. The name of the national park is translated as "Lake Sentarum".

The national park is very rich in biodiversity and includes a system of numerous lakes and marshes. The territory of the park stretches around the upper part of the Kapuas River, approximately 700 km from the river delta.

The history of the park begins in 1982, when the territory with lakes and swampy forests of 800 sq. Km. was declared a nature reserve. It should be noted that half of the park's territory is occupied by lakes, the rest is covered by swampy forests. In 1994, the territory of the reserve was expanded to 1320 sq. Km, 890 sq. Km of which were swampy forests, and 430 sq. Km - dry land. In the same year, the reserve became a subject of the Convention on Wetlands. In 1999, the reserve was given the status of a national park, but the administration of the park was founded only in 2006.

The fauna of the national park includes a lot of fish - about 240 species, among which there are Asian aravana (one of the most expensive aquarium fish) and Botia clonun (also a well-known aquarium fish). Birds nest on the territory, about 237 species in total, including the Malay woolly-necked stork (a rare bird from this family, endangered) and the pheasant-argus (one of the largest representatives of this family, included in one of the categories of the International Union for Conservation of Nature). Of the 143 species of mammals, 23 are endemic to the island of Borneo, including the nosy. The primate received this name because of its large nose, similar to a cucumber. Interestingly, only males have such a large nose. The park is also home to orangutans, gavial crocodiles and combed crocodiles.

