Monument to the heroes of the steamer Vesta description and photo - Crimea: Sevastopol

Monument to the heroes of the steamer Vesta description and photo - Crimea: Sevastopol
Monument to the heroes of the steamer Vesta description and photo - Crimea: Sevastopol
Monument to the heroes of the steamer Vesta
Monument to the heroes of the steamer Vesta

Description of the attraction

The feat of the brigantine "Mercury" was repeated by the crew of the steamer "Vesta" fifty years later. This steamer was owned by the Russian Shipping and Trade Society, and for many years it made voyages across the Black Sea, carrying passengers and various goods. But this ship had a different, not entirely peaceful, but difficult heroic fate.

When the war between the Russians and the Turks began in 1877-1878, the question arose about the need to increase the Russian military fleet. The steamer "Vesta" was bought by the government and rebuilt for military operations: it is equipped with modern guns, the latest control devices, mines. Volunteers were recruited into the ship's crew, N. M. Baranov was appointed commander, and the steamer Vesta turned into a light cruiser.

On July 11, 1877, the steamer Vesta in Constanta met with the Turkish high-speed battleship Fethi-Bulend, which had strong artillery and more powerful armor. It was not easy for Lieutenant-Commander Baranov to make a decision, realizing the strength of the enemy, to join the battle.

The unequal battle lasted for about five hours. The steamer "Vesta" suffered losses. The artillery commander KD Chernov was killed, there were many wounded, and the ship commander himself was wounded. In addition, a fire started on the ship, but no one even thought to retreat. Approaching the Turks, firing successful accurate shots, the Russian artillerymen damaged the battleship's tower, and then made a powerful explosion. In the puffs of black smoke, the Russians saw that the Fehti-Bulend was retreating.

Although the flag was all riddled, with multiple holes, the vessel "Vesta" returned to the port with a victory. All crew members were awarded medals and orders. The heroes who died in the battle were buried on the North Side at the Mikhailovsky cemetery. On their grave in 1886, a monument was erected by the sculptor P. O. Brukalsky, which is a huge cruciform pylon, which was installed on a wide pedestal. Cast iron cores were embedded in the base of the pylon. It is supported by cannon barrels that resemble columns.

On the front side of the monument there is a relief of a cross, and under it is a memorial plaque on which a story about the heroic deed of Vesta is carved. Attached to the side are commemorative plaques with carved names of those killed in an unequal battle. The height of this memorial monument made of granite is 5 meters. The cannon balls and gun barrels are made of cast iron.

This monument is not just a reminder of the heroic deed of young children who desperately defended their homeland and their loved ones - it is a centuries-old gratitude to all those who gave their lives for the peaceful everyday life of future generations!

