Chokurcha cave description and photos - Crimea: Simferopol

Chokurcha cave description and photos - Crimea: Simferopol
Chokurcha cave description and photos - Crimea: Simferopol
Chokurcha cave
Chokurcha cave

Description of the attraction

Since 1947, this landmark has the status of a monument of world importance. On the territory of Europe there is no more ancient, preserved human dwelling, except for the Chokurcha cave. In ancient times, tools of labor were made here, Neanderthals took refuge from the weather. Human skeletons of the Paleolithic era have been discovered in this area.

This interesting object is located not far from Simferopol. Any tourist can visit here and see the preserved rock paintings.

The original length of the cave was about fifteen meters. Nowadays, the grotto reaches five meters deep, about seven meters - its width. Since 1927, excavations began in the cave. The first investigations were carried out by S. I. Zabnin (archaeologist) and P. I. Dvoichenko (geologist). They found traces of Neanderthals: remains of skeletons, objects of hunting, everyday life, bones of extinct animal species - a wild horse, cave hyena, a primitive bull.

In 1928 - 1929, N. L. Ernst, a scientist, professor, worked on the study of this cave. In his writings, he described an approximate picture that could have been in the valley of the Chokurcha cave thousands of years ago. When there was glaciation throughout Europe, the climate on the Crimean peninsula was mild and comfortable. The fauna was extremely diverse and unusual for modern humans. Mammoths, saigas and rhinos lived here, black grouse and tundra partridges lived, giant bears and deer were found. Once in a cave, it is very easy to imagine such a picture.

The main object of worship of the Neanderthals is the sun, as evidenced by its image on the walls of the cave. And the drawings of a mammoth and a fish speak of the respect for the world around that ancient people felt. After the war, this structure fell into disrepair, some of the images have not survived, but the cave was restored in 2009. One of the most valuable finds discovered in the cave is numerous tools. Among them are Mousterian microliths belonging to the Early Paleolithic. These are tools made of limestone and silicon, small in size, they were used as spearheads. About five hundred tools were found in the cave, including bone tools, scrapers. This attraction is unique. Once in Crimea, you should definitely visit it. This is a monument of world importance, which has preserved to this day evidence of the existence of an ancient man. A special atmosphere reigns in the cave, and the landscape surrounding it evokes only positive emotions in everyone.

