Description of the attraction
The Archangel Michael Monastery was founded in 1380 in the village of Ust-Vym by Saint Stephen of Perm. Then it was called the Vladychny town. The Monk Stephen came here to teach the people the Orthodox faith. On a hill facing the bank of the Vychegda, he built a cell, and next to it - the Annunciation wooden church. Opposite the Vladychny town, he built a temple in the name of the Archangel Michael and other Heavenly Forces of the Ethereal. Near him in the 14th century, the Archangel Michael Monastery was founded, which became a spiritual, educational, cultural and missionary center.
For two centuries Ust-Vymi housed the department of Perm bishops. On February 11, the ancient Church of Perm glorifies the exploits of its archpastors: Gerasim, Pitirim, Jonah, the miracle workers of Ustvym. They are glorified together because they, one after the other, completed the apostolic labors of the Perm enlightener, St. Stephen. Their relics are laid to rest in Ust-Vym, in the former cathedral city. The exploits of the saints, bishops Gerasim (from 1416 to 1441), Pitirim (from 1444 to 1455), Jonah (from 1455 to 1470) continued for more than fifty years.
Saints Pitirim and Gerasim glorified the name of Christ by their martyrdom. Canonization and their general church glorification took place in 1607, but their local veneration as Saints happened much earlier and was associated with the healings and miracles that the relics of these miracle workers showed.
In 1764, during the reign of Empress Catherine II, the monastery was closed. Its revival was begun only in our time. At the request of Vladyka Pitirim, Bishop of Syktyvkar, on March 21, 1996, the monastery was reopened, and hegumen Simeon (Kobylinsky) was appointed its governor.
Standing on a beautiful spot on two hills, the monastery complex includes three churches, a house church, three chapels, a pilgrim hotel and a refectory.
St. Stephen's Church was built in 1761 on the site of an old wooden one. It is the most ancient brick temple that has survived to this day in the Komi Republic. It contains an ark with particles of the relics of the holy saints of God.
The temple in honor of the Archangel of God Michael was built on the site of a wooden one, it was consecrated in 1806. This temple contains a rather old icon of the Archangel of God Michael and the 7 Archangels, miraculously renewed today.
The chapel of Saints Gerasim, Pitirim and Jonah of the Ust'vymsk miracle workers was consecrated on May 7, 1996, when the monastery was visited by Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow, in honor of the six hundredth anniversary of the repose of Stephen the Great. The relics of the three Saints rest in the chapel under a shelter.
At the source in the name of Stephen of Perm, water-blessing prayers are always held with an akathist to the icon "Inexhaustible Chalice". The healing water from this source helps with many ailments, with its help you can get rid of smoking and drunkenness.
In the Archangel Michael Monastery, one of the priests who served in Ust-Vym, priest Pavel (Malinovsky), who was shot during the repressions in 1937, is revered, glorified as a new martyr and confessor of Russia.
Today, thanks to the efforts of Vladyka Pitirim, the Bishop of Syktyvkar and Vorkuta, as well as the abbot of the monastery, Abbot Simeon and his brethren, the ancient monastery is being re-created, decorated and accepting believers who come to holy places.