Description of the attraction
The complex of buildings that belonged to the former Junker Cavalry School was built in Kirovograd on the territory of the former suburb of Kovalevka in the middle of the 19th century. It was one of the largest military schools in the state.
The complex of the military town included a three-story palace building, an educational and headquarters building, an arena, stables, and an officer's assembly. The buildings surrounded the current Cavalry Park, where at one time there was a parade ground, where parades and reviews of a military unit were held. In the course of the cadet school there were two classes - junior general and senior special. Special education provided the knowledge and skills needed to command a battalion.
In 1902, the Elisavetgrad cadet school was renamed the cavalry school, and a year later, in January 1903, the cavalry school was presented to the highest standard award. At the end of the 17th year of the last century, the cavalry school was disbanded. But during the hetman period, his work was resumed, it trained the personnel of the hetman army. During the UPR period, the fate of the school is unknown. Later, accelerated training courses for red commanders worked here, then the location of the 5th Ukrainian Cavalry School named after I. CM. Budyonny, which gave way to the Zinoviev Cavalry School, which existed here until 1935. Until now, the complex belongs to the military.
A beautiful complex of old buildings made of red brick, located in the center of Kirovograd, fascinates with its massive, imposing view.