Description of the attraction
Borisoglebsky monastery was founded in 1038. the former equestrian of the Kiev prince Vladimir boyar Ephraim. The tragic death of Boris and Gleb, killed by their named brother Prince Svyatopolk, shocked Ephraim so much that he retired forever from secular life, erecting a stone temple on the high bank of the Tvertsa and founding a monastery here. The first stone cathedral stood for about 700 years. In 1577, under Ivan the Terrible, two chapels were added. The cathedral was badly damaged in 1607 during the capture of Torzhok by the Poles. A fire in 1742 destroyed the wooden walls of Torzhok.
The revival of the monastery began in the second half of the 18th century. On the site of an ancient temple in 1785-1796. was. the new Borisoglebsky Cathedral was built according to the project of the architect N. A. Lvov. The large and majestic cathedral is classically clear. The facades are finished with Doric porticoes. A wide, slightly flattened octahedral drum and four small domes at the corners give the cathedral some weight.
The gate church-bell tower of the Borisoglebsk Monastery was founded in 1804, a year after the death of N. A. Lvov, as the researchers suggest, according to his project. The construction was carried out by the local architect Ananyin. A multi-tiered bell tower, crowned with a spire, rises above the entire city, attracting attention with the lightness and beauty of its silhouette. In the lower tier there was an arched opening - the main entrance to the monastery. The second tier housed the church, the third tier houses the bell arches. The upper tier is made in the form of a round through gazebo.
The monastery's library was located in the corner tower of the monastery wall, built in the 19th century. The upper part of the tower was restored during restoration in the 1970s and 1980s. and has not been repaired since then.
The Church of the Entry into Jerusalem was built in 1717 and is located between the rector's buildings at about the same time.
The Vvedenskaya church is the oldest building of the Borisoglebsk monastery. It was built in the 17th century. on the site of an ancient wooden church burned down by the Poles. In the XIX century. a porch was added. The bell tower, crowned with an octahedral tent, was apparently built at the same time as the church.
The prosperity of the monastery continued until the 1917 revolution. And then he, like most Russian monasteries, shared the fate of his country. In 1925, the brethren were disbanded, and a maximum security prison was placed in the monastery for half a century. Then there was a medical and labor dispensary for alcoholics, and in recent years the All-Russian Historical and Ethnographic Museum has been located. In 1993, a decision was made on the joint use of the monastery by the museum and the Orthodox Church.