Chernoyarovsky passage description and photo - Russia - Volga region: Kazan

Chernoyarovsky passage description and photo - Russia - Volga region: Kazan
Chernoyarovsky passage description and photo - Russia - Volga region: Kazan
Chernoyarovsky passage
Chernoyarovsky passage

Description of the attraction

Chernoyarovsky passage is located on the street. Kremlin (former Voskresenskaya) in the center of Kazan. The building was built at the beginning of the 20th century, in 1901, in the Art Nouveau style with elements of eclecticism.

Cheornoyarovsky passage became the second building of this type in Kazan. The customer and owner was the merchant Chernoyarov. Architect - G. Rusch.

The new building was built from two buildings already standing on this site. There was a wide staircase in front of the main entrance, and a spacious metal balcony above the entrance. The staircase and balcony have not survived to this day.

The facade of the building is asymmetrical. The first floor was occupied by a shopping area. The second and third floors had a corridor layout system, a central staircase, which was well lit by a lantern. In the courtyard of the building there were additional premises that were residential and connected by passages with the main building. The outbuilding in the courtyard was built in the same style as the building and served as housing for the owners of the apartment building until the revolution. From the Chernoyarov family came a lot of enterprising businessmen, famous engineers and doctors.

Outside, the passage building is adorned with whimsical décor. Historian Dmitry Tumanov writes that Masonic symbolism is used in the decor decorating the facade: two pelicans - the law of high harmony, a coat of arms in the shape of a lily - a pure future, the image of snakes on a shield - wisdom. The decor attracts attention with its splendor. Arched windows are decorated with stucco garlands. The original domes, which are sheathed with sheet iron and decorated with a wrought-iron spire, play an important role in the exterior decoration of the building.

The materials used in the construction of the passage building were the most modern.

In the period from 1923 to 1940, the Tatar playwright, publicist and poet Fathi Burnash lived in the building of the Chernoyarovsky passage.

