Description of the attraction
In the city of Myshkin, Yaroslavl Region, at 8 Uglichskaya Street, there is a famous and the only museum in the world that invites its visitors to visit the “mouse kingdom-state”, which is ruled by the brave and wise Mouse - the true patron saint of the city. Myshkin is the smallest city in the entire Yaroslavl region, but there are as many mice in it as there are people living in this settlement, namely, five and a half thousand inhabitants. It is important to note that the status of the town returned to Myshkin in 1991 due to the appearance of an amazing mouse story.
The idea of opening the museum originated in 1990. The first information about the opening of the museum was published in the newspaper "Pionerskaya Pravda", after which the country was literally a hurricane of various opinions. It was found that in this small town, small rodents are very fond of and are not at all afraid. Initially, letters from various districts of the Yaroslavl region with warm words of support came to Myshkin literally in huge bags, after which gifts even began to arrive. Poet Bulat Okudzhava and academician Dmitry Likhachev became one of the most famous and recognizable domestic donors of mouse figurines. Outside of our homeland, they learned about this circumstance, after which there were also many responding and caring people.
The museum is located in an old log house, which perfectly complements the style chosen for the interior setting, thereby creating a special setting for the popular museum. The museum has four rooms, each of which has up to a hundred mice, which are all completely different and unlike each other, which is especially impressive for curious visitors.
Today, in the museum building, not only classical and generally accepted samples of mice are presented, but also completely unique and unusual specimens, which are made only in the singular. Here you can see mice made of enamel, amber stone and wax. A huge number of mice are drawn, embroidered, connected. The hall features a variety of computer mice, and the most diverse.
None of the tourists leave the city without visiting the mouse museum, because the exhibits here are not only shown for viewing, but also fulfill their roles, which are assigned to them by museum workers who perform the functions of directors. One of the most notable mice is the Granny mouse, who meets guests at the entrance, as well as a mouse named Ivan Kapitonovich and a mouse named Tanya. A separate role is given to a little mouse named Fedor - all of these characters live their own separate lives and attract visitors to this life.
It is worth noting that this particular museum was included in the Russian book of achievements and records called "Divo". But many people abroad also know about the museum. Today, more and more often you can see new exhibits that are sent from distant Singapore, India, USA, Germany, France, Japan, England and other countries.
At one time, an idea was put forward for the allocation of a separate corner for real mice, which would be an excellent way to dilute the collection of "fake" mice. But this idea was not accepted, which is why they decided not to arrange innovations in the museum. All the mice in the museum live by the rule: "Mice of all countries, let's unite in Myshkin!", Because they even have their own banners of their fairy kingdom.
In mid-1996, the International Mouse Festival was held in the town - from that moment on there were many more people who are no longer afraid of these cute little creatures and do not screech with fear when they see a defenseless mouse on the floor. Many tourists, having visited the museum, are literally touched and admired by the sight of all the mice presented in the museum, which you can buy yourself or someone else as a gift.